Port San Antonio officials have banned CockAsian, a spicy Korean food truck. (MyFoxAntonio)
They’re famous for their spicy chicken, and now for their spicy name.
Port San Antonio, an industrial complex and aerospace facility in San Antonio, Tex., has banned a Korean food truck because of its name: Cockasian.
The owner of the food truck conceded the name was a bit racy but that they shouldn’t be banned from the site, which serves 12,000 employees at the former Kelly Air Force Base.
"I am surprised. I thought it would get a little bit of cajoling, but nothing like this," Cockasian food truck owner Candie Yoder told MyFoxAntonio.
According to reports, the problem arose when someone at Port San Antonio Googled the name of the truck to look at the menu. Needless to say, the menu isn’t the first thing to come up. This is.
Paco Fellici, a spokesman for the facility said: "We thought the name could be offensive to others."
Yoder insisted the name isn’t meant to be a racial or sexual slur, saying that the idea for the truck is simply that Korean food is Asian and one name for a male chicken is cock.
Food truck names that should be banned.
Yoder said that they’re planning on moving the food truck to another spot in the city, adding that the controversy has only helped business and highlight her hot fried chicken.
"My Korean is based more on what they would get served in Korea, so it's spicy!"