Jessie James Decker serves up advice on food and feeding a family

Jessie James Decker feels right at home in the kitchen, often sharing drool-worthy photos of the meals she makes with her millions of Instagram followers.

Finding culinary inspiration from her travels and old family recipes alike, the country star recently talked all things food with Fox News Lifestyle, from her go-to dishes during the week to managing nutrition for her three young children.

FOX NEWS: How do you approach nutrition for feeding a family? Are any of your kids picky eaters?

JJD: My kids are not picky eaters. Eric and I have been very fortunate with that. But I think it’s because he and I both grew up in households where what your mom made, you ate. And if you didn’t like it, you just didn’t get anything to eat that night.

We have definitely instilled those same values into our children, which has caused them to not be picky eaters. They are down to try anything new. They’ll [even] eat salad – I don’t know anyone who has a three-year-old that will eat salad. And I’ll put the feta cheese and the olive oil and the lemon vinaigrette and the tomatoes and my kids eat it! Because that’s how I’ve raised them.

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It helps with their behavior, it helps with their wellness, their focus, at pre-school. I slip things in like carrots, celery, zucchini and bolognaise, just to continue to make sure they get everything that they need.

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How to you ensure your children are getting enough vitamins and nutrients in their diet?

JJD: So I do have a little [baby] boy, and it’s such an interesting age. With my older ones, you can just give them a thing of carrots, and a little ranch dressing, or I always do these veggie trays. Even though Forrest has teeth, you still have to be really careful. They’re not totally capable of figuring out how to consume all these things. I want to give him as many healthy options as possible, but sometimes, it’s just not enough.

I breastfed Forrest, and then he ended up on formula as well, and around that year mark, that’s the time to really transition into even more solids, and a lot of people turn to cow’s milk. I did that with my first and second, but what’s really great about Enfagrow, is that they have a really great transitional product. It’s a toddler nutritional drink, and it’s really great. It has all the vitamins that my little boy needs to keep up. It’s got tons of iron, DHA, all these things… so it’s been really great to have such an excellent solution!

What are some of your go-to dishes during the week?

JJD: I have this salad, that’s one of my favorites, I call it the base salad, oh my goodness, with the lemon vinaigrette that we make. With the goat cheese, blueberries and honey toasted almonds… it’s one of my favorite salads.

Another summer meal is the sea bass dish. I had it at a wedding when I was pregnant with Forrest and I Googled it from top to bottom trying to find this recipe, and I could never find it! It was at a wedding that Eric and I attended for his best friend, and this meal was, just fabulous.

And I was probably hungry, and everything tastes better when you’re pregnant, and hungry… [but] I couldn’t find it. So I just remembered it by taste, and created it.

I’m sure it’s not the same, but it’s very similar, and I do these roasted carrots with it, and a sherry cream sauce on top, oh, its divine. I love food, if you can’t tell.


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Your first book “Just Jessie” was a bestseller – would you ever consider writing a second book?

JJD: Yes! I just signed on to do a second book... This will be over 100 recipes of foods that I have created in my kitchen.

I’ll definitely have parts in there about moms on the go, and healthy recipes to make your kids, things like casseroles, things that you can make in a crock pot. I’m all about making things as easy as possible but you can do that while still having nutritional foods for your family.


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