Hipsters drive up the cost of cheap beers, study reveals

Thanks to hipsters, the price of cheap beer like Pabst Blue Ribbon is on the rise.

A recent study by Restaurant Sciences found that low-cost beers like Budweiser, Miller Light and Coors Light are going up thanks to the rise in popularity of Pabst Blue Ribbon (PBR)-- favorite among the community of bearded men in skinny jeans.

"I believe the single biggest driver in sub-premium beer price increases is indeed specifically PBR," Chuck Ellis, the head of Restaurant Sciences told the New York Daily News. "It has become quite fashionable.

So how much more are people paying?

According to the study: "traditionally lower-priced beers such as PBR have seen sizeable double-digit price increases in both restaurants and bars and nightclubs," while fancier craft beers are seeing more moderate price increases.

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The beers are still cheap though, especially compared to a $15 cocktail: A can of PBR can still runs about $3 in some New York City bars, said the Daily News.

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