General Mills to re-release retro monster cereals for Halloween

(General Mills)

Retro cereal fans, prepare yourselves for the best news since the birth of Sir Grapefellow and Baron Von Redberry.

General Mills has recently announced that this Halloween season, for the first time in the company’s history, it will be releasing all five of its "Monster" cereals for your ghoulish breakfast enjoyment.

The five cereals include: Count Chocula, Frankenberry, Boo Berry, Fruit Brute (now labeled Frute Brute) and Fruity Yummy Mummy. While Count Chocula, Frankenberry and Boo Berry still available on shelves today, Frute Brute was discontinued in 1988 and the Fruity Yummy Mummy hasn’t been heard from since 1993.

Not only are the cereals coming back, they are getting a full makeover. According to i-Mockery, the flavors will now come in new, horror movie poster packaging.

For those who prefer the old, classic undead faces of the original characters, all of the original boxes will be available at Target stores nationwide.

So prepare the bowls and milk, all five monster pals will be haunting kitchens across the country come Halloween.

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Of course, Halloween is still a few months away, so to help get you excited check out this compilation of retro ads for the five cereals.

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