Donald Trump eating fried chicken with fork sends Internet into meltdown

Eating pizza with a fork is definitely unacceptable. But what about fried chicken? (AP2009)

The road to the White House is paved in food. And in the digital age, one culinary misstep can send you packing for good.

Just ask John Kasich who chowed down on a pizza in New York City with a knife and fork. Dining choices may also have folks questioning whether you’re really fit to lead the free world—like Mike Pence who just wanted to eat at Chili’s.

On Monday, Trump tweeted out a dinnertime snap as he was preparing to take off from Pennsylvania. The Republican presidential hopeful was enjoying a hearty meal from KFC—so far so good.

“Great afternoon in Ohio & a great evening in Pennsylvania - departing now. See you tomorrow Virginia!” Trump tweeted.

But upon further inspection, it appeared the reality TV star and real estate mogul was tucking into that crispy, crunchy, greasy fried chicken with a knife and fork. Cue the Internet trolls.

Many railed against the Republican nominee for his choice of KFC over another fried chicken favorite, Popeyes:

Others chided the businessman's lack of credibility as a man of the people. Sure, he’s eating KFC…but he’s on a private plane:

But most just couldn’t believe anyone, even a billionaire mogul, would eat a bucket of fried chicken with utensils.

The post has since between retweeted over 11,000 times and liked by 43,000 users. Still, KFC isn't called finger lickin’ good for nothing. No word from the Kentucky chicken chain on the proper way to eat their grub.

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