Crystal Pepsi is making a comeback

Strahle launched an online petition that drew more than 34,000 signatures. (Pepsi)

Bring back the big hair and the flipped up Izod collar.

Cyrstal Pepsi is poised to make a comeback, thanks in part to efforts by competitive eater Kevin Strahle  --aka L.A. Beast.

Strahle is part of a group of loyal consumers who have been appealing to Pepsi to bring back the iconic drink, which tasted like Pepsi but was clear.

The caffeine-free drink was originally introduced in 1992 to respond to health concerns about coloring in soda, but only lasted a year.  It was considered a failure because it was believed it didn’t taste good.

But Strahle recently launched an online petition to bring it back that drew more than 34,000 signatures.

AdAge reported that Strahle got a personalized note from Pepsi that he retweeted to his more than 24,000 followers, signaling good news for Crystal Pepsi fans.

Pepsi responded to Strahle on the letterhead of Crystal Pepsi stating:

“…We definitely hear you and your followers and we think you’ll all be happy with what’s in store,” the message stated, sparking the hashtag #BringBackCrystalPepsi.

So will a Crystal Pepsi comeback work?

David Novak, the man who conceptualized the clear drink, expressed his doubts in a 2007 interview with Fast Company:

"I still think it's the best idea I ever had, and the worst executed. A lot of times as a leader you think, 'They don't get it; they don't see my vision.' People were saying we should stop and address some issues along the way, and they were right. It would have been nice if I'd made sure the product tasted good. Once you have a great idea and you blow it, you don't get a chance to resurrect it."

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