Sonja and Jack Palmer went viral in 2012 for a blooper reel of them recording a commercial. Six years later, SNL has revived the hilarious clip in a spoof that even the Palmers love. (YouTube)
In 2012, a video of an elderly Maine couple trying their best to endorse their favorite restaurant went viral.
Jack and Sonja Palmer try in an over two-minute clip to say, “Baked in a buttery, flaky crust” – a description for the restaurant, Dysart’s, chicken potpie.
Sonja at one point calls her husband hopeless after he tries over and over to get the line down, but instead keeps calling the crust “crispy” instead of “flaky.”
Sonja, whose role is to sit smiling next to Jack, suggests that she read the line instead, but becomes just as tongue-tied.
The hilarious video, viewed over five million times, eventually drifted off in the way of past-viral videos, never to be heard from again.
That is, until last weekend when “Saturday Night Live” decided to revive the six-year-old clip with host Will Ferrell and SNL-staple Kate McKinnon.
The pair try to hype their local diner’s chicken potpie, which Ferrell’s character says he eats “five times a week.” However, the two can’t seem to get the “Baked in a crispy, pastry crust” down and instead unravel into calling the potpie a “flaky bacon bag.”
Though the SNL homage to the classic video is funny, the Palmers’ reactions – recorded by Bangor, ME, news outlet, WCSH – might have stolen the show.
In the reaction video, Sonja first says McKinnon “looks a little older than me, I think," before errupting into laughter that she at one point tries to cover up with her dog that she is holding.
As the SNL spoof continues, the couple is seen laughing loudly. Jack admits that the clip is “pretty accurate” of the blooper reel that made the Palmers famous and calls the parody "cute."
Seems the two have kept a good sense of humor about the whole thing, even if they can't order the "flaky" potpie.