Cafe's 'stupid' deconstructed ham sandwich prompts backlash online

A cafe's sandwich left one customer outraged. (iStock)

When you order a sandwich you have a pretty good idea of what to expect: two pieces of bread with some filling in-between.

This is probably what one customer thought they would get when they ordered a ham sandwich from a Sydney, Australia cafe but what was set down on the table was completely different.

Reddit user MiloXF uploaded a photo of the “sandwich” their cousin ordered, showing a completely deconstructed meal served in two cardboard boxes.

Instead of being presented with a regular sandwich the customer was presented with all the ingredients and expected to put it together themselves.

On one side there were two slices of bread and some butter, while on there other there was ham and various salad items.

The meal was topped off with a bowl of mustard and a gherkin.

Not only did they have to assemble the sandwich themselves, the deconstructed meal cost them $17 dollars AUD ($12.29 USD).

It is unclear what cafe the sandwich was ordered from but Reddit users were quick to express their disbelief at the meal.

“If I wanted to make a sandwich myself I would have stayed at home and done it,” one user said.

Another asked: “Did he order it at Ikea?”

“This is the worst sandwich I have ever seen, I don’t understand the appeal of deconstructing food at all,” one person wrote.

Other users were more concerned about the salad ingredients.

“Who the f--- has strawberries on a sandwich?” they asked.

Another agreed, writing: “The stupidest thing of all in that pic is the dumb strawberry!”

Though the poster didn’t state what cafe the meal was from, some users suggested that it may have been bought from Bread & Circus in Alexandria, which describes itself as a “wholefoods canteen.”

On their lunch menu they offer a “free-range preservative-free smoked ham sandwich box” for $17. has contacted Bread & Circus for comment.

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