Cafe owner takes aim at parents of ‘screaming’ babies

“If you cannot control your crying (screaming) babies, I will crush up some valium and put it in their fruit juice," wrote the owner of the White Moose Cafe.

A notoriously outspoken cafe manager in Ireland is again making waves on social media.

Paul Stenson, who manages Dublin’s White Moose Café, left a post on the cafe’s Facebook page taking aim at crying babies.

“Dear parents,” he wrote.

“If you cannot control your crying (screaming) babies, I will crush up some valium and put it in their fruit juice. Babies are more than welcome in our café, but please ensure that they are asleep throughout the entire duration of their visit.”

He included one final note - “P.S. No charge for the valis. I have a lifetime supply.” Ouch!

While a few people were offended by the harsh post, the majority of comments seem to have taken it with the humor with which it was intended.

User Marie Teenans wrote: “can you not give the valium to us parents?”

Another user said: “Valium? I use whisky myself. If I drink enough of it I can no longer hear my lot.”

Lyss Maguire said: “As a mother.. I take offence to this. Valium has way too many side effects. Benadryl is much more effective ;)”

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Stenson is no stranger to “colorful” social media posts.

Only the day before posting that, he left a scathing tongue-in-cheek message for those complaining about the music being too loud, telling them to “wear ear muffs” and “not sit right beside a f**king speaker.”

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And yes, this was the same man who went viral for his tongue-in-cheek warning to vegan diners in August last year.

He wrote: “**Attention Vegans** Please do not waltz into our cafe with no notice and look at us like we have ten heads when you realize that there aren’t 50,000 items on our menu that suit your idiosyncratic dietary requirements. Our chef will be more than happy to prepare a number of dishes for you but a little heads up in advance would be appreciated.”

This post garnered a torrent of angry responses, with offended users leaving one-star reviews of the cafe on Yelp.

It even led to a Facebook group called People Against the White Moose Cafe to spring up, with the sole purpose of bringing down the Dublin cafe.

Despite all the controversy, it’s nice to know Stenson hasn’t lost his sense of humor.

This story originally appeared on

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