Black bear smashes baker's car window, eats 2 dozen cupcakes

A black bear with a sweet tooth destroyed one New Jersey baker's car window early Thursday. (iStock)

The smell of two dozen cupcakes in a baker's car was too much for a black bear in New Jersey.

The bruin smashed a window and left only smeared icing and a paw print behind.

Christine Allen tells The Record the bear ate every single chocolate, vanilla and strawberry cupcake that she had made for a large order. Awaken by the dog barking and a "crunch sound," her husband spotted the bear early Thursday.

Rockaway Township Police Lt. Peter Reilly says it looks like the bear has done some other damage in the area and breaking into a car raises concern. Police have notified wildlife officials.

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Allen says while she doesn't want her property destroyed, she doesn't want the bear to be killed.

“We don’t want him to destroy our property. But we are very animal friendly, so we don’t want the bear to be killed. Animal cruelty is not what we do,” said Allen to The Record.


Allen, the owner of vegan bakery Mo’Pweeze, has taken a sweet spin on the unfortunate incident by creating bear-themed cupcakes to serve at the bakery.

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