A 99-pack of beer. (Vimeo screenshot/Beef and Pie Productions)
Just in time for one last summer blow out, Austin Beerworks, a Texas based brewery has rolled out the ultimate party necessity: a pack of beer with 99 cans.
This epic box of brews is seven feet long, and comes in at 82 pounds. Each can is filled with the company's "Peacemaker" a blonde pale ale. Better get a friend to help you at the liquor store. This limited edition pack will be on sale at select stores in the Austin area for a limited time, according to the brewery’s Facebook page.
Supply is limited-- just 20 of the 99-packs to start-- but brewery announced that they plan to make more with such a high demand.
If you’re in the mood for almost a hundred beers, the case costs just $99 a box.
Check out the behemoth beer box in action.
Austin Beerworks – Peacemaker Anytime Ale from Beef and Pie Productions on Vimeo.