5 treats at stake in a vanilla shortage

<b>Ice Cream</b> Clean out the freezer.  It's time to stock pile everyone's favorite summer treat.  The price for a helping of vanilla-based ice cream could go up by 10 percent in the next few months, according to the <a target="_blank" href="http://www.telegraph.co.uk/foodanddrink/foodanddrinknews/9181911/Vanilla-crisis-could-force-up-price-of-ice-cream.html">Telegraph</a>. (iStock)

<b>Beer</b> Over the past few years, beer-makers like Colorado's <a target="_blank" href="http://www.breckbrew.com/brews/vanilla-porter">Breckenridge Brewery</a> have started adding pure vanilla to their drafts. Home brewers too have started adding a touch to their creations.  The cost of the velvety brew could creep up leaving you with a serious high-cost hangover.  (Breckenridge Brewery)

<b>Cupcakes</b> Every baker knows that good vanilla can make or break a recipe.  Many cupcakes, like <a target="_blank" href="http://www.marthastewart.com/353205/billys-vanilla-vanilla-cupcakes">this one</a> from famed baker Billy Reece of <a target="_blank" href="http://www.billysbakerynyc.com/">Billy's Bakery</a> in New York City, call for a double dose of pure vanilla extract, one in the cake one and in the frosting. It could be double or nothing this spring. (Billy's Bakery )

<b>Kahlúa</b> Vanilla bean is one of the main ingredients in this Mexican coffee-flavored liqueur. It's hard to imagine the world of cocktails without<b> </b>Kahlúa, a Black Russian becomes just a Russian and a Mudslide becomes just a Slide. (KAHLÚA Liqueur)

<b>Coffee</b> While the "vanilla bean" in vanilla bean flavored coffee doesn't always mean the coffee was roasted with natural vanilla, many blends like <a target="_blank" href="http://www.starbucks.com/coffee/flavored/vanilla">Starbucks Vanilla</a> are flavored with pure vanilla extract. (Starbucks Corporation)