10 worst candies to get on Halloween

There's nothing worse than reaching your hand into a bag of candy on Halloween and picking out a roll of Necco Wafers instead of Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. Not all candy is created equal. Here is our list of the 10 worst candies to get on Halloween.

1. Necco Wafers

http://www.vermontcountrystore.com/store/jump/productDetail/Food_&_Candy/Candy_&_Desserts/Candy_Counter/Traditional_Necco_Wafers_-Package_of_10-/53749?creative=24356582658&matchtype=&network=g&device=c&adpos=1o1&searchid=7SPFGPLA&feedid=googlenonbrand&gclid=COmQ_PbJsroCFc-Y4Aod4CoAUQ (vermontcountrystore.com)

Necco Wafers were created in 1847 and with the artificial, chalky taste of this candy, we're surprised production did not end in the 19th century.

The candy also comes in a chocolate version and they are perhaps the only company to manage to make even chocolate taste bad.

2. Circus Peanuts

http://www.oldtimecandy.com/circus-peanuts-bulk-2lb.htm#.UmqzXXDktyK (Oldtimecandy.com)

These gooey, banana-flavored, peanut-shaped candy are just downright right gross! Does anyone actually like them?

3. Mallo Cup

http://www.boyercandies.com/mallo.php (Boyer Candies)

When the Boyer Brothers created this candy in the 1930s, they clearly did not have kids in mind. The marshmallow-filled chocolate cups are laced with coconut flavoring landing it on our list of the 10 worst candies to get on Halloween.

4. Mary Janes

http://www.ohnuts.com/buy.cfm/mary-jane-taffy-candy?pre=34779&gclid=CILp_ezLsroCFc2d4AodOjsA6w (Ohnuts.com)

Molasses and peanut butter is not the flavor combination kids want to eat. Why not through broccoli and spinach into the mix? No more Mary Janes please!

5. Peanut Chews

http://www.ohnuts.com/buy.cfm/dark-chocolate-peanut-chews-mini-bars?pre=38158&gclid=CP3QjqnLsroCFUyk4Aodj1gAbw (Ohnuts.com)

Chocolate and peanuts are usually a delicious combination but not when it comes to Peanut Chews. Why not give out Peanut M&M's or Reese's Peanut Butter Cups?

6. Wax Lips

wax lips http://www.orientaltrading.com/ui/browse/processRequest.do?requestURI=processProductsCatalog&categoryId=377320&sku=/K285&BP=10879&ms=search&source=google&cm_mmc=google-_-PLA-_-/K285-_-productads-plaid^39336492008-sku^%2FK285-adType^PLA-device^c-adid^16144472048&gclid=CPv3v_DIsroCFY6Y4AodtH4A5g&kwid=productads-plaid^39336492008-sku^%2FK285-adType^PLA-device^c-adid^16144472048 (Orientaltrading.com)

We're pretty sure a candy requirement is being edible. Although these wax lips are technically safe to eat, we don't suggest trying to eat it as it's made of wax and flavoring.

7. Wax coke bottles

http://www.amazon.com/Candy-Wax-Bottles-50-pcs/dp/B002TK3DM6 (Amazon)

Let's just ban all wax candy from Halloween? When you bite into this waxy candy, all you get is a small amount a overly-sweet sugar syrup.

8. Symphony Bar


Hershey's makes a wide variety of delicious chocolates; Cookies 'N' Cream, Hershey's Kisses and Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. So why then does anyone get stuck with their least desirable Symphony bar on Halloween?

9. Licorice Bites

Licorice Bites http://www.nuts.com/chocolatessweets/licorice/bites/black.html?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=pla&utm_content=Licorice%20Bites%20%5B5245%5D&gclid=CI6a-tDIsroCFcuZ4AodXG8ARQ (Nuts.com)

No one wants one bite of these Licorice Bites. Twizzlers would be an acceptable alternative.

10. Jaw Breakers


On Halloween night, most kids want candy they can enjoy in the moment. Jaw Breakers take forever to get to the center but on the plus side, they'll last you until next Halloween.