WWE star Darren Young shocks cameraman, reveals he is gay

Darren Young appears with Titus O'Neil on WWE. (WWE)

Darren Young appears with Titus O'Neil. (WWE)

WWE star Darren Young gave a TMZ cameraman the shock of his life.

During a standard interview at Los Angeles Airport LAX, the cameraman began quizzing Young about his opinions about gay wrestlers, asking if “a gay wrestler could be successful within the WWE.”

Young caught the cameraman off guard by taking the opportunity to reveal that he is gay.

"Absolutely. Look at me. I'm a WWE superstar and to be honest with you, I'll tell you right now, I'm gay. And I'm happy. I'm very happy."

The floored cameraman stumbled over his words briefly and thanked Young for sharing the news.

The star was then asked how he thought his fellow wrestlers would take the news.

“We’re all adults. All sports are physical. When I come to work, I come to work,” he said. “Business is business.”

He added: “Some people might not like it, and some people will like it.”

But the wrestler said regardless he is comfortable in his own skin.

“I’m happy [with] who I am. I’m comfortable with myself,” he said. “I’m hoping to be able to make a difference. It’s very important to me that people understand that someone’s sexual preference doesn’t really matter.”

Click here to watch the interview on TMZ.com