
WWE legend Shawn Michaels has always put his faith in God first both in and out of the ring.

The retired wrestler is now venturing on to the big screen with his first movie role in the faith-based film "The Resurrection of Gavin Stone," which hits theaters today.

"I play the role of Doug, an ex-con running in a rough motorcycle gang whose life is dramatically changed ..." Michaels told FOX411. "It was a role that I could clearly identify with. Doug and I both had a similar path."

Michaels said when he was first starting out with the WWE he was "very difficult to work with" and was "living a very reckless lifestyle."

"My faith and family has helped me a great deal in that it helps me to live to a different standard," he told us.

The 51-year-old father-of-two added that you can seem to have it all in Hollywood -- fame, money and success -- but it doesn't mean anything without family.

Losing his father two years ago made him realize "being a good husband and father ... that's the most important thing I'm going to do on this earth."

Michaels admitted his faith and family values may sound "very nerdy to some people," but he doesn't care. He has also learned to ignore the pressure of returning to the WWE after he retired from wrestling in 2010.

"I learned very early that you don't get time back," Michaels shared. "I'd miss my children growing up so that's the reason I retired."

His son was 10 at the time and his daughter 5. "I knew I'd never get those years back."

However, Michaels has learned to never say never.

"We all have gifts and I guess all the rocket scientists were given away by the time I got there," he joked. "[My gift] was in the world of the WWE and I'm thankful for that."

He added, "No, I don't want to go back and wrestle again...But some big bubble could break and I might need money like everybody else. It's wrestle or bag groceries -- [that's] all I'm qualified to do."

Faith & Fame is a regular column exploring how a strong belief system helps some performers navigate the pitfalls of the entertainment industry.

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