Wonder Woman Trading in Star-Spangled Hot Pants for Leggings


Comic book vixen Wonder Woman is trading in her star-spangled hot pants for an updated look featuring leggings and spurs, according to an IGN interview published Tuesday.

Writer J. Michael Straczynski hopes to bring about a major shift in the Wonder Woman look and story. She is gaining a slick new costume courtesy of Korean-American comic book artist Jim Lee of "X-Men" fame.

Former "Murder, She Wrote" writer Straczynski told interviewers he has "always had an affinity for strong, capable, intelligent female characters," but disliked a lack of depth in the Wonder Woman series.

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"Growing up, I always felt that she was a better character than her books," he said. "The stories tended toward being a bit precious, and definitely edged into being more about getting her into provocative poses than really getting into her character."

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While the most important issue for Straczynski is adding a meatier backstory and highlighting Wonder Woman's intellect, the real buzz was over her new look.

Gone are the beachwear bottoms, red bustier with matching go go boots and clunky gold cuffs, as Wonder Woman slips into a dark blue leggings, a studded denim jacket and a pair of gilded biker gloves that would make a Hell's Angel jealous.

The raven-haired heroine still sports her starred headband and stores her golden lasso on a gilt belt, but she has gained a pair of glitzy spurs atop her heeled boots.

"Her look was almost identical to what it was in 1941. Other characters have changed and evolved ... and female friends of mine kept asking, 'How does she fight in that thing without all her parts flying out? How does she carry her stuff?" the writer said.

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