Will Smith slaps male reporter for kissing him

May 18: Will Smith poses for photographers at a hotel during a photocall for his film "Men in Black 3" in Moscow, Russia. (AP)

Will Smith just slapped a Ukrainian reporter across the face at the Moscow premiere of "Men in Black 3" -- and it was all caught on tape.

The Ukrainian reporter tried to kiss Will on the lips on the red carpet and the actor angrily pushes him away and then backhands him across the face.

You can clearly see that Will is incredibly angry that the guy showed overt affection toward him.

After Will slaps the guy, Will says, "He's lucky I didn't sucker punch him."

Click here to see the video 

We're told the dude who kissed Will is a television reporter who often kisses celebrities -- it's his schtick.

For the record, Will just came out in support of gay marriage.

A source on scene tells TMZ, the reporter's mouth brushed up against Will's and that's why the actor reacted so violently. Despite the incident, Will stayed positive ... and happily continued to sign autographs for fans and do red carpet interviews.

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