
While running for President in 2008, Barack Obama had the “Obama Girl,” and now it seems Donald Trump has his own group of female supporters. #TrumpGirlsBreakTheInternet took over Twitter Sunday after a Wall Street /NBC News poll showed Hilary Clinton with a 17 point lead over Trump with women voters.

Many photos of women in bikinis with Trump paraphernalia began trending with that hashtag.

The first #TrumpGirlsBreakTheInternet reference came Saturday night from rapper Baked Alaska.

The hashtag quickly caught on. The account @BabesForTrump blasted photos of bikini clad women on Twitter with that hashtag too.

Trump supporter Alicia Starko told FOX411 she was surprised the hashtag caught on as quickly as it did after being blasted on Twitter and highlighted in a Buzzfeed article.

“I was actually really surprised to see it pop out of nowhere,” she said. “I had been off social media all day that day…so I was really shocked to see my picture on Buzzfeed and then from there I started seeing it everywhere.”

Starko noted how the movement is a step in the right direction for women who want to speak their political minds.

“I'm really happy to see how much it has influenced young educated women like myself to speak out about their beliefs now and aren't afraid of the backlash they may receive," she said. "We need more women standing up for Trump and I will never hesitate to support him as our best candidate.”

However, not everyone on social media supported the hashtag.

Donald Trump’s team did not return FOX411’s request for comment.