- Published14 Images
When Bad Mustaches Happen to Good Looking People
The mustache has been a point of contention for many years. Like our dear friend James Franco, it embodies both a sexy and sleazy essence — at the same time! Not since the days of Burt Reynolds has facial hair garnered such mass affection, yet we continue to see it springing up on our favorite Hollywood hunks. Is it a growing trend? We've put together a list of men who can and cannot pull off facial fur — decide for yourself whether you agree!
- Published14 Images
When Bad Mustaches Happen to Good Looking People
The mustache has been a point of contention for many years. Like our dear friend James Franco, it embodies both a sexy and sleazy essence — at the same time! Not since the days of Burt Reynolds has facial hair garnered such mass affection, yet we continue to see it springing up on our favorite Hollywood hunks. Is it a growing trend? We've put together a list of men who can and cannot pull off facial fur — decide for yourself whether you agree!
- When Bad Mustaches Happen to Good Looking People