Weather Channel meteorologist Dave Schwartz dies

This undated photo provided by The Weather Channel on Sunday, July 31, 2016 shows meteorologist Dave Schwartz. (The Weather Channel/AP)

Longtime Weather Channel meteorologist Dave Schwartz has died after a long fight with cancer. He was 63.

In an announcement of his death, The Weather Channel says on its website Schwartz died Saturday after being first diagnosed with stage 2 pancreatic cancer 10 years ago. It says he twice beat cancer, but it resurfaced last year.

Schwartz had been an on-air meteorologist for the network for more than 20 years. The Weather Channel says Schwartz was known for his friendly on-air demeanor and often referred to viewers as "my friend" before giving forecasts.

It says his laidback style and sense of humor quickly made him popular with viewers.

The Weather Channel says his colleagues remembered Schwartz as "an incredible man who made them better people and better broadcasters."