Conservative talking head Jennifer Rubin offered high praise for Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) on MSNBC Thursday night, while slamming President Donald Trump and the Republican Party as the 116th Congress was officially sworn in.

Rubin, the self-described “conservative blogger” for the Washington Post, began by panning the “gray in hair color and suit color men” who make up House Republicans in contrast to the much more diverse House Democrats.

She then spoke of the “love” and “unity” in Pelosi’s speech and comparing it to the “weird” inaugural address from President Trump about “American carnage.”


“If you put aside the pure partisanship, in some ways it was a very Reaganesque speech and not simply because she quoted Ronald Reagan,” Rubin told MSNBC host Chris Hayes. “It was ‘morning in America.’ It was ‘we can do this.’ It was positive, it was respectful towards the people who defend us around the world, it was talking about American leadership in the world. She sounds more like Ronald Reagan than the current Republican Party does.”

The Washington Post columnist then mocked President Trump, calling his appearance in the White House Briefing Room a “temper tantrum” and took shots at Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, (R-Ky.)

“The American people see a picture: a temper tantrum, a guy who’s checked out, and woman full of energy, trying to reopen the government, trying to fix Medicaid, trying to fix Medicare, trying to fix the ACA, trying to fix education,” Rubin continued. “There is a difference now in intensity, at interest in governance, and in energy. And I hate to say this, but those Republicans are low-energy guys right now and all they’re doing right now is moping around, obsessing over their wall, they’re not getting anything done, they can’t even keep the lights on. So I think she has a unique opportunity here to really hit them, smack them in the face and tell the American people, ‘You want people like us or do you want people like them?’”