'Walking Dead' actor Chad Coleman apologizes for subway rant

Chad Coleman as Tyreese in "The Walking Dead." (© AMC Film Holdings LLC.)

“Walking Dead” and “The Wire” actor Chad L. Coleman apologized Saturday for flipping out and screaming at passengers on a New York City subway train.

The actor blamed his three-minute rant Friday on “built-up frustration” caused by Freddie Gray’s death in Baltimore — and insisted he wasn’t boozed up — according to TMZ.

Coleman lost it — and began cursing and ranting about “humanitarians” — on a downtown No. 4 train after a passenger used the N-word, he told the site.

“I wanna know where my humanitarians are . . . I’m not trying to f–k with you!” he shouted while pacing around the train, video footage reveals.

Coleman, who played Tyreese on the smash AMC zombie show, later insisted he wasn’t drunk, just upset.

“It was all just a big mistake,” a relative at his home in Queens said, referencing the actor’s odd behavior.

This article originally appeared in The New York Post.