Trump's 2020 campaign manager calls for CNN's 'absolute disgrace,' Jim Acosta, to lose press credentials

CNN Chief White house Correspondent Jim Acosta has emerged as a key figure of the anti-Trump media.

President Trump’s 2020 campaign manager, Brad Parscale, called for CNN senior White House correspondent Jim Acosta to lose his press credentials after he interrupted Trump and Kim Jong Un’s historic signing ceremony by yelling questions.

“Jim Acosta should immediately have his press credentials suspended,” Parscale tweeted. “He is an absolute disgrace!”

Acosta badgered Kim and Trump when they signed the agreement for the recovery of the remains of American soldiers as well as the immediate repatriation of those who have already been identified. The CNN star first asked, “Mr. President, did he agree to denuclearize?”

Trump responded that the process will start “very quickly,” but that wasn’t enough for Acosta, who shouted another question, “Did you talk about Otto Warmbier?”

Trump ignored the question about Warmbier as he signed the agreement amid sounds of camera shutters.

The Daily Wire covered the outburst with an article headlined, “WATCH: CNN's Jim Acosta Interrupts Historic Signing Ceremony, Shouts At Trump,” which Parscale quoted when he called for Acosta to lose his access.

Acosta also barked questions during the historic summit in Singapore, providing Kim with first-hand evidence of grandstanding by the CNN star.

“Mr. President, how is the meeting going so far, sir?” the Trump-bashing newsman hollered as Trump and Kim exited their conference room at the Capella Hotel following a 35-minute meeting. “Any progress, Mr. President?”

“Chairman Kim, will you denuclearize?” he pressed. “Mr. President, how’s it going so far, sir?”

When Trump finally responded by saying it was going “Very, very good,” Acosta, who was the designated pool reporter assigned to represent U.S. media organizations, seemed encouraged to demand answers from Kim, who is used to a more compliant media.

“Will you give up your nuclear weapons, sir?” Acosta shouted

Acosta has long been a thorn in the side of the Trump administration and recently bragged about being tossed out of the Oval Office during an appearance on ABC’s “Jimmy Kimmel Live.”

Earlier this year, Trump kicked the CNN star out of the Oval Office after Acosta badgered the president with racially charged questions. Acosta has made a habit of grandstanding and interrupting when Trump and members of his administration are available to the media.

“I love watching you bust their balls,” Kimmel told him. “I can’t get enough of it.”

Trump has famously dubbed CNN “fake news” and pointed directly at Acosta, calling him by that disparaging moniker in the past. Acosta told Kimmel the moment was “surreal.” Acosta has also gotten into combative arguments with other members of the administration including former Press Secretary Sean Spicer, Management and Budget Director Mick Mulvaney, Press Secretary Sarah Sanders and Senior Policy Adviser Stephen Miller.

Parscale, Trump’s former digital adviser, was announced as his 2020 campaign manager earlier this year. He was among the Trump advisers who launched America First Policies, a nonprofit that promotes the president’s agenda, in 2017. Parscale also criticized Acosta back in April when the CNN reporter yelled questions during an Easter event around young children.

CNN did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Fox News’ Greg Wilson contributed to this report.

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