Trump-themed Hollywood projects are taking over

It was only a matter of time until Donald Trump-themed Hollywood TV shows and movies were going to hit the screens. According to Deadline, a Trump inspired mini-series titled “Trump: It Happened Here,” written by political reporter Scott Conroy, is being shopped around.

The industry-trade publication claims to have gotten a sneak peek scripts for the series. According to Deadline, Conroy’s series will feature all of President Trump’s key players — Hope Hicks, Steve Bannon, Jeb Bush and even CNN’s Jeff Zucker — but it begins with Mark Burnett pitching “The Apprentice” to Trump.

And Conroy’s project is not the only Trump-inspired piece in the works. Deadline reports writer Mark Boal and producer Megan Ellison are working on a drama about the 2016 election. Ellison wrote “The Hurt Locker” and “Zero Dark Thirty.”

Switching gears to the big screen, a Michael Bay drama titled “Little America” got the greenlight in January, which will feature a Trump-inspired society.

As we wait for these shows and movie to be made, there has been no shortage of President Trump skits on “Saturday Night Live.” Each week, the show grows its cast with more A-list celebs playing members of Trump’s team.

Dan Gainor, vice president of business and culture for the Media Research Center, said Hollywood will likely try to portray Trump in a negative light.

“Hollywood tried desperately to set the agenda for the 2016 election. It's no surprise they will try harder in 2017 to write the script for America,” he told Fox News. “… They tried to demonize Trump, attacking him in nearly 30 shows before the election. Now, they will only be worse.”

And Paul Dergarabedian, senior media analyst at ComScore, told Fox News it is not unusual for television and movies to mirror real-life.

“I think movies and television generally reflect the world and point of view at the time,” he said. “And the point of view of the people on the creative side of the business if you are writing a movie or TV show in today’s world and environment, often that will seep into your narrative. It happens all the time. If you look at movies from 10 years ago, they seem to have a different point of view, a different perspective, than movies 10 years before that.”

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