Trevor Noah mocks Biden’s gaffes, Senate record: ‘He’s got enough baggage to fill a whole Amtrak car’

“Daily Show” host Trevor Noah had some fun at the expense of former Vice President Joe Biden as the latest candidate to join a crowded 2020 race, saying he’s “got enough baggage to fill a whole Amtrak car.”

“People don’t just love Joe Biden because he’s a down-to-earth everyday man,” Noah began. “People love him because he’s an adorable goofball. In fact, the only thing that spends more time in Biden’s mouth than those perfect teeth is his own foot.”

Noah then played a montage of some of Biden’s most famous gaffes, from the “three-letter word: jobs” to his remarks mocking those with a “slight Indian accent” at 7-11 and Dunkin Donuts. He torched the former vice president for asking an audience to stand and applaud after asking a man in a wheelchair to stand up.


“’That’s right. Let’s show Chuck what he’s missing. Everyone else stand up. Let’s rub it in! This guy’s got no hands. How about a round of applause. Come on, come on!’” Noah mocked.

The Comedy Central star suggested that Biden was the “perfect balance” to President Barack Obama because Obama “measured every word” but “when Biden talks, his brain clicks ‘I’m feeling lucky’” on the Google homepage and the “first result comes out of his mouth.”

He went on to acknowledge some of Biden’s “major accomplishments” in the Senate like the Violence Against Women Act, but added that he also has “baggage.”


“He’s got enough baggage to fill a whole Amtrak car,” Noah told his audience before playing a montage highlighting the 1994 Crime Bill, his vote for the Iraq War, and his treatment of Anita Hill. “On the downside, Joe Biden got a lot of things wrong back in the day. But on the upside, he managed to grow his hair back.”

The “Daily Show” host expressed hoped that he’ll face off against Trump in the general election for the “old man fight” that would break out, highlighting their traded barbs about getting into a physical altercation.

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