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    Top 12 Nerd Shows

    Because nerds can count higher than 10.

  • Weird Science
    12. Weird Science. Based on the hit movie of the same name, the TV show followed two high school nerds who created a beautiful woman on a computer who then came to life. Nerd heaven.
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  • Big Bang Theory
    11. Big Bang Theory. Our only submission created in the past couple of years, this show is a sitcom about two theoretical physicists at Caltech. Would have loved to be a fly on the wall at the network pitch meeting for this one. Who knew nerds can be so persuasive?
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  • Buffy the Vampire Slayer
    10. Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Buffy is so nerdy, there are cultural anthropology classes in some colleges devoted to Buffy Studies. Really.
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  • Knight Rider
    9. Knight Rider. A Trans Am that talks to you, when the girls won't. That, and having David Hasselhoff's hair, is every nerd's dream.
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  • NOVA
    8. NOVA. A show all about science that's been running since 1974 on PBS? We call that a nerd training ground.
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    7. NUMB3RS. See how there's a "3" instead of an "E" in the title? Talk about nerdy. Plus it's a backwards "3" in the real title, our computer just won't do that. Only a nerd's computer would do that.
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  • X-Files
    6. X-Files. Conspiracy theories and extraterrestrials dominated this nerdy pop culture phenomenon. Even nerdier, the protagonists only called each other by their last names.
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  • Mystery Science Theater 3000
    5. Mystery Science Theater 3000. A nerd and his robot pals watch bad science fiction movies and comment on them. Like taking a video of every nerd's living room after 11pm. The show even won a nerdy Peabody Award.
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    Best Brains
  • Quantum Leap
    4. Quantum Leap. Time travel is a big fantasy among nerds, as they often wish to be at any time period other than their own (the distant past with Medieval knights and fair maidens; the distant future with space aliens and phasers - you get the picture). Quantum Leap did both.
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  • Star Trek: Next Generation
    3. Star Trek: Next Generation. Set 70 years in the future from the original Star Trek, it also ran several seasons longer than the original. Nerds have improved their stamina!
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  • Battlestar Galactica
    2. Battlestar Galactica has been on TV and in theaters in numerous iterations over the years. Nerds like words like "iterations."
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    Sci Fi Channel
  • Star Trek
    1. Star Trek. The pre-eminent nerd show of all time, Star Trek was an action-adventure series set in the future, with each episode also encapsulating a moral parable. Working on multiple levels is very nerdy.
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  • Published
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    Top 12 Nerd Shows

    Because nerds can count higher than 10.

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  • Top 12 Nerd Shows
  • Weird Science
  • Big Bang Theory
  • Buffy the Vampire Slayer
  • Knight Rider
  • NOVA
  • X-Files
  • Mystery Science Theater 3000
  • Quantum Leap
  • Star Trek: Next Generation
  • Battlestar Galactica
  • Star Trek