On Fox News:
Fox & Friends, 6 a.m. ET: An exclusive interview with Special Operations Chief Edward Gallagher, the Navy SEAL found not guilty of killing a wounded ISIS fighter under his care in Iraq.
On Fox Business:
Varney & Co., 9 a.m. ET: Special guests include actor Jon Voight.
On Fox News Radio:
The Fox News Rundown podcast: "What's Really Happening at Immigration Detention Centers" - A group of House Democrats say conditions at border detention facilities they visited are inhumane. But officials with Customs and Border Protection and the Trump administration say that’s not true. Fox News' Casey Stegall went on a recent tour at the detention center in Clint, Texas, and he discusses its conditions. "Deepfakes" -- videos that have been digitally manipulated to depict people doing things that never happened -- are spreading all over social media. While some say they may just be used for funny memes, others worry they could pose a threat to our democracy. Lance Ulanoff, editor-in-chief of “Lifewire,” explains why we should all be concerned. Plus, commentary by Trish Regan, host of "Trish Regan Primetime."
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The Brian Kilmeade Show, 9 a.m. ET: Special guests include: Retired Navy Adm. James Stavridis, operating executive with the Carlyle Group, on President Trump's dealings with Iran, North Korea and China. Brad Blakeman, former deputy assistant to President George W. Bush, and Chris Stirewalt, Fox News politics editor, on the latest in the 2020 presidential race and battle over the immigration crisis at the U.S.-Mexico border. Jonah Goldberg, syndicated columnist, and Jesse Watters, co-host of 'The Five," on the top headlines of the day. Former New York Mets outfielder Ron Swoboda, a member of the 1969 World Series champs, tells the story behind his new memoir, "Here's the Catch."