"This Country" star Michael Sleggs has died aged 33 of heart failure.

The actor, who played Michael "Slugs" Slugette in the BBC Three comedy, passed away overnight on Tuesday after living with a serious heart condition for many years.

The "WTAF A 'This Country'" podcast’s official Twitter account shared the sad news this morning.

Sharing a picture of Michael, it wrote: "We are devastated! Our friend, the man the legend Michael Sleggs #Slugs passed away last night.

"RIP Michael. You are one in a million."

In May, Michael revealed he was dying and would spend his final days at home with his family after medics had run out of options to treat his heart condition.

He has suffered health struggles in the past, having been diagnosed with cancer and heart failure.

Writing on a public fan page for "This Country," which was created by his long-time friends Charlie and Daisy May Cooper, he said: "Hi friends, as a lot of you are probably aware I've spent a lot of time in and out of hospital over the past few months.

"This last time it was decided I was reaching the end of options so they've sent me home on palliative care to live out the remainder of my days at home.

"No specific time limit has been given but deterioration has been fairly rapid.

"I've been sleeping a lot and narrowly dodged a coma by accidentally overdosing on morphine the other day.

"Anyway as you can imagine this isn't the ideal way I wished things to go and my family are dealing with a lot of grief.

"Just wanted to say I love everyone reading this status so much, you have all been such amazing, kind, caring people who have all touched my life in so many unique and incredible ways.

"Sorry if this status is too schmaltzy but not everyone has the chance to say goodbye so indulge me lol."

He added: "Regardless of a few medical issues, I have been blessed with the best life and the best friends and aside from not following God more diligently earlier in life I don't have any regrets."

A few days later, in what turned out to be his final Facebook post, he explained more about his condition to his followers.

He wrote: "Recently I was put onto palliative care cuz my heart failure was getting out of control.

"By last Friday I was certain I wouldn't be here the next week but miraculously I made some sort of great turn around over the weekend

"I don't know how long this turn around will last but I'll try and keep alive as long as I can."

Michael's close friend Camilla-Alicia Bates also paid tribute to the actor.

She tweeted: "Last night just before midnight I lost my dear friend, My love @Michael_Sleggs my absolute rock who has always been there for me.

"So grateful I got to spend his final resting with him and so glad he is out of pain and at peace.

"I love you forever. #loveyou #rip #sluggs."

"This Country" producer Simon Mayhew-Archer paid tribute to Michael on Twitter, writing: "Michael encapsulated the spirit and humour [sic] of 'This Country.' He was a fantastic, talented man who brought tremendous joy to all who knew him & saw him. I loved working with him & will miss him."

This article originally appeared on The Sun.