The Dumbest Rockstar Hair Ever

While they only had hit song, the band Flock of Seagulls will forever be remembered thanks to lead singer Mike Score’s outrageous hairstyle, which has almost become shorthand for 1980s eccentricity. ( )

Guns 'N' Roses lead singer Axl Rose took ridiculous hair to a whole new level with his multicolored corn-rows. Bo Derek is not amused. (AP)

The craziest part about Kid 'n Play's Christopher 'play' Reid's mile-high eraser-head hair? Will Smith copied the look! ( )

Unless you're a rasta man, dreads are a DON'T. We're talking to you, Counting Crow's lead singer Adam Duritz. (AP)

Coolio's Medussa-inspired hairdo was just plain creepy. ( )

Vanilla Ice gave us plenty to laugh about during his heyday, including his ridiculous fade. ( )

Brush, hairspray, blow-dry, repeat. Brush, hairspray, blow-dry, repeat. Brush, hairspray, blow-dry, repeat. Ta da! Now you have Motley Crue hair. ( )

Static X singer Wayne Static is in a class of his own with his Edward Scissorhands/Frankenstein hybrid of a hair-do and his mile-long beard. ( )

Lionel Richie's cross between an ultrawide 'fro and a mullet proves that like two wrongs do not make a right. ( )

A poor man's Madonna, Cyndi Lauper was the queen ridiculous female hairstyles in the 80s. We still lover her though. Can't say the same for Madonna. ( )