
Not since Conan O'Brien got canned from NBC and took his act to Twitter has a celebrity's arrival to the real-time social media playground received so much buzz.

But Charlie Sheen isn't just any celebrity.

Even before his Twitter debut, the "Two and Half Men" star was on a one-man media blitz.

In an interview with NBC last week, Sheen lambasted Alcoholics Anonymous. Asked why he didn't believe that it works, Sheen said AA "was written for normal people, people that aren't special."

"People that don't have tiger blood, you know, Adonis DNA," he said.

Sheen went on to say that he was at war with CBS.

"They picked a fight with a warlock," he said.

He added that he planned on winning the war with "zeal and focus and with violent hatred."

Often referring to himself as a "winner" in recent interviews, Sheen also said he had never been drunk on the set. When asked if he had ever missed a day at work, he said that he had, but not days that mattered.

"I missed practice...To quote the great Allen Iverson, 'Practice – come on guys, we're talking about practice,'" he said, echoing the famous quote by the former NBA star.

After saying that he wants a raise from $2 million to $3 million per episode for the "psychological distress" CBS put him through, Sheen clarified why he was taking such a strong stand.

"I'm tired of pretending like I'm not special. I'm tired of pretending like I'm not bitchin', a total frickin' rock star from Mars," he said. "People can't figure me out; they can't process me. I don't expect them to. You can't process me with a normal brain."

So, on the heels of those bizarre comments, Sheen joined Twitter as @CharlieSheen – and amassed nearly 900,000 followers in less than 24 hours.

Sheen has already popularized the hashtags #tigerblood and #winning, with the #tigerblood conversation catching fire and trending on Twitter worldwide Tuesday.

"Questions..? I'm here for my people..! Bring it!! #Tigerblood," Sheen tweeted.

Showing a flair for the topical, Sheen also tweeted a picture of an Oscars trophy with his own head atop the trophy along with the message, "Winner..! 2012."

Sheen has seemingly enjoyed hurling one-liners and tweets at CBS's expense. Still, the inspiration for one of those jokes – the "great Allen Iverson" – could serve as a cautionary tale.

"The Answer," another boisterous lead man who appeared to do and say whatever he wanted, was traded multiple times toward the end of his spectacular and turbulent career and was out of the NBA at the age of 35. He has resumed his basketball career – in Turkey.

As for Sheen, the media campaign and the one-liners continue.

He joked on The Today Show last week that Warner Bros. would soon be renamed Charlie Bros.

"Duh," he said, pointing to himself. "Winning."

Contact Adrian Carrasquillo at Adrian.Carrasquillo@foxnewslatino.com or on Twitter @RealAdrianC.

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