'The Bachelor' recap: Ben gets busy in the bedroom, says he loves two women

Ben Higgins of ABC's "The Bachelor." (ABC)

Sexy nights were in store for "Bachelor" Ben Higgins as all three of his female finalists — Caila, Lauren, and JoJo — chose to share the Fantasy Suite with him on Monday's episode.

Bachelor fans knew it was time for the highly anticipated overnight date part of the love competition and while Ben told two gals he loved them, another wound up being the heartbroken odd woman out.

"It's very hard having these strong feelings for multiple women," Ben told the cameras as the episode began in Jamaica. The island provided a stunning backdrop as Ben and Caila took a rafting trip.

However, the date was marked by awkward silence. In confessional, Caila told the cameras she wanted to tell Ben she loved him, but was obsessing about the two other women. That night, Caila revealed her concerns to Ben but also told him, "I'm in love with you." Ben responded by kissing her.

"Ben doesn't have to say anything," Caila shrugged to the cameras. "I can see it in his eyes and feel it in his breath." After the couple was offered the chance to share the Fantasy Suite, Caila said they should go for it and in the room, viewers saw passionate smooching and Ben closing the door.

The next day, Caila crowed, "Last night was amazing. I could see myself waking up next to him for the rest of my life." Once again, the software salesman didn't tell her he loved her but Caila insisted, "Ben didn't have to say any words."

Soon, Ben was on to his date with Lauren, during which they released baby turtles into the sea. That night, Lauren told Ben she was scared about his other relationships. But just like Caila, Lauren took the plunge into the Fantasy Suite with him.

Lauren confessed, "I am completely in love with you and you really are the man of my dreams."

He replied, "I've known I'm in love with you for awhile as well."

Lauren got teary-eyed and said, again, "Ben, I love you!"

"I love you, too," he responded.

They kissed and the cameras cut away as Ben closed the curtains. The next morning, with their clothes strewn all over the bedroom, Lauren cooed, "I hope we can have more mornings like this together."

Ben assured her, "I DO love you."

But first, he needed to see if JoJo would also share his Fantasy Suite. The two took a helicopter ride around Jamaica and frolicked under a waterfall.

"It's hard for me to say I love you because I'm scared," JoJo said at first. But finally, she too told Ben, "I do love you."

Ben said, "JoJo, I love you, too." Startled, JoJo gave him a big kiss.

Like Lauren, Jojo said it was the best day of her life. For Ben, it was just confusing as he commented, "I don't know how you can be in love with two women, but I am. I don't know what I'm going to do."

Ben told JoJo her brothers' disapproval bothered him, but she assured the bachelor they were just being protective and would love him in the end. Soon, they were in the Fantasy Suite where they exchanged more "I love yous" and Ben closed the curtains.

The next morning, Ben told JoJo they were both on the same page. Ben knew he'd have to say goodbye to Caila, and as he pondered the heartbreak ahead, clueless Caila decided to surprise Ben by arriving unannounced at his hotel.

Uncomfortable Ben hemmed and hawed and finally said, "I am in love with two women here and I just couldn't say it back to you and I don't know why ... you are what I described at the beginning of this as my perfect wife."

Getting teary-eyed, Caila snapped, "That sounds like a line." Ben said he'd miss her.

Smiling through her tears, Caila replied, "You don't have to say that. I enjoyed getting to know you ... I think I'm going to go."

After he ushered her into the SUV, however, Caila jumped back out to talk some more. Ben indicated that all three women had expressed their love but he felt stronger about the others. Giving the beauty a final hug, Ben said he would miss so many things about her.

Caila cried hysterically as she was being driven away: "I didn't see this coming. I still love him. I was ready to be his wife."

Later, Ben told Lauren and JoJo he'd sent Caila home and gave them their roses; a group hug followed. Incredibly, Ben told the cameras he could picture both of the final two ladies being his wife.

"I don't know how you can be in love with two women ... I'm in deep trouble," he sighed.

"The Bachelor" airs Mondays on ABC.

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