Taylor Swift buys up porn domain names

Taylor Swift went shopping, and she bought all the porn domains with her name. Her recent purchases aren’t as out of the blue as one might think, however. And no, she’s not considering any sort of professional career change.

The singer is now the proud owner of porn domain sites like TaylorSwift.porn and TaylorSwift.adult and the likes in an attempt to beat the Internet trolls (aka pornographers who want to capitalize on her name, brand and image) to the punch.

You see, Swift is hoarding the registered names before .porn, .sucks and et cetera become available for purchase by the public on June 1.

GossipCop notes: “The move is not to prevent potential Swift nudes from being posted as no such pictures exist, but to stop her highly-trafficked name from being used by those who want to make money off online porn in general.”

What she’s planning on doing with her new domain names, if anything, is unknown.

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    The news comes just two months after a hacker threatened to leak alleged nude photos of the 25-year-old. 

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