Surprisingly low movie star salaries

Despite winning an Oscar, court documents obtained by <a href="" target="_blank">People Magazine</a> revealed Casey Affleck's annual salary is only $400K, which is surprisingly low by Hollywood standards. The actor and director is 42. (Reuters)

Two years after making women everywhere swoon in 2004's "The Notebook," which raked in more than $115 million, Ryan Gosling made just $1,000 per week for his role in "Half Nelson." But don't worry, ladies, he shot up to a $1,000,000 salary a year later for "Fracture." (Reuters)

Playing businessman Herman Blume in Wes Anderson's "Rushmore" was one of Bill Murray's many famous roles, but the actor's salary was just $9,000. He also won a bunch of awards and earned an unknown portion of the film's profits, however, so it all worked out in the end. (Reuters)

He might be able to support six kids these days, but Brad Pitt wasn't always a top earner. He has made around $25 million on recent films, but his iconic breakout role with Geena Davis earned him just $6,000. (Reuters)

OK so a few mil ain't bad, but "The Avengers" was the third highest-grossing movie of all time, making more than $1.5 billion. Robert Downey Jr. earned about $50 million for his role, so hopefully he at least bought Chris dinner after shooting wrapped. (Reuters)

Ethan Hawke starred in the thriller "The Purge" for almost no money up front, and it wasn't a glamorous gig. "There were no perks," he told The Hollywood Reporter. "No trailer, no driver, no BS, just a great role, a great director. Hell, on 'The Purge,' I slept on his couch the whole shoot." But quit your crying, Ethan-- the actor took home a percentage of the $87 million film's profits. (Reuters)

From vacationing in Italy to courting the world's most beautiful women, George Clooney appreciates the finer things in life. But that doesn't mean the star won't make a sacrifice for a project he believes in. George has been known to make $10 or 20 million per movie, but he agreed to take just $120,000 for writing, directing and starring in "Good Night, and Good Luck" in 2005, and $300,000 for starring in "The Descendants" in 2011, according to The Hollywood Reporter. Both were Oscar-nominated films. Smart man. (Reuters)

Funnyman Jim Carrey is also a businessman. He took no money up front for 2008 comedy "Yes Man" in exchange for 36.2 percent of the profits, and when the movie made more than $223 million, he enjoyed his biggest pay day to date. (Reuters)

After earning $1,000,000 for "Mean Girls" and $7,500,000 for "Just My Luck" and "Georgia Rule," Lindsay reportedly made only $6,480 for low budget film "The Canyons" in 2013. But hey, with her track record, at least she's still getting parts. (Reuters)

For a relative nobody at the time, $2 million was a pretty decent starting salary for Robert Pattinson's role in "Twilight." But by the time the saga was through, he was earning $12,500,000 and winning the hearts of teenage girls everywhere. (Reuters)