Superhero Sequels: The Best and the Worst

Early reviews for Robert Downey Jr.'s latest action flick are positive, which would earn "Iron Man 2" a spot on our BEST list. Click through to find out which superhero sequel movies we deemed to be the best... and the worst. "Iron Man 2" hits theaters May 7. (Paramount)

<b>WORST</b> Brandon Routh and Kate Bosworth (as Lois Lane, really??) failed to create compelling lead characters in this 2006 movie. But the special effects were impressive. (Warner Bros.)

<b>BEST</b> The original "X-Men" started the current wave of comic book movies, and its 2003 sequel is pretty darn good. The battles, characters, and special effects all got bigger and bolder in "X2."  (20th Century Fox)

<b>WORST</b> This lackluster 2007 sequel -- centered on a quad of superheroes dealing with humanoid The Silver Surfer -- is bad. And not just because of Jessica Alba's scary bleach-blonde locks and blue contacts. Dumb dialogue and a weak plot contribute to the film's failure, but, as critics noted, it's also sexist! (20th Century Fox)

<b>BEST</b> Back in 1992, before Tim Burton turned to needless recycling, he directed this inspired Batman film. Entertaining characters like Danny DeVito's Penguin and Michelle Pfeiffer's Catwoman make it a truly enjoyable watch. (Warner Bros.)

<b>WORST</b> After the raging success of "Spider-Man 2," this 2007 flick was a big sluggish let down. Emo Spidey was just silly. (Sony)

<b>BEST</b> The original "Superman" movie kicked off the comic book genre, and the 1980 sequel really got things going. Three new super villains plus a hot love story make this one a winner. (Warner Bros.)

<b>WORST</b> This one-dimensional, unintentionally campy movie (released in 1997) features Clooney as Batman and Gov. Arnold as Mr. Freeze. It's pretty awful. (Warner Bros.)

<b>BEST</b> The 2008 film based on the Dark Horse Comics character Hellboy was well-received, thanks to the vision of award-winning director Guillermo del Toro. (Universal)

<b>WORST</b> Though fanboys loved the first two "X-Men," this 2006 movie focuses too much on action and not enough on X-Men mythology. (20th Century Fox)

<b>BEST</b> The best superhero movie of all time, 2008's sequel to "Batman Begins" is a thrilling masterpiece. The late Heath Ledger is demented perfection as the Joker, and the intensity of the plot is completely engrossing. (Warner Bros.)