'Storage Wars' called fake: Worst reality TV lawsuit?

The cast of 'Storage Wars.' (A&E)

Dave Hester, former cast member of reality series "Storage Wars," is suing the show amid claims that he was fired for complaining to producers about faked sections of the show.

According to Radar Online, Hester alleges that producers plant valuable items in lockers to make shows more interesting and that auctions are often rigged. He even says that the show paid for a female cast member's plastic surgery to increase her sex appeal.

SODAHEAD SLIDESHOW: See the most unpleasant reality TV lawsuits.

The world of reality television has often been plagued by legal troubles. Recently the ex-agents of the cast of "Pawn Stars" filed a lawsuit claiming their clients were stolen from them. The cast of "Jersey Shore" have been sued multiple times for assault, and Bristol Palin has been sued by a man she had a verbal altercation with in a bar because she broadcast the footage without his consent.

Going all the way back to "The Real World: San Francisco" from 1994, star David "Puck" Rainey has been sent to prison after being convicted of stalking a woman.

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The polygamous family at the center of "Sister Wives" have been investigated for possible bigamy, and have also filed their own lawsuit to have polygamy laws changed in Utah.

And earlier this year, two black men filed a class action lawsuit against "The Bachelor" because the show has never had a minority as a star, while contestants on the controversial British show "There's Something About Miriam" sued after they were tricked into competing for the affections of a pre-op transsexual.

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Which reality show do you think has had the most unpleasant lawsuit?