Star politics: Who leans left, and who leans right

Emily Ratajkowski is feeling the "Bern." The model supported her candidate of choice for 2016 on Instagram saying, "Hi New Hampshire! I'm so happy to be here for @berniesanders," adding she would be speaking at a rally for Sanders. Click here for more pictures of Ratajkowski on <a href="" target="_blank"></a>. (Instagram)

The country singer revealed she is a Donald Trump supporter. "I just think he’s the only one who’s going to turn this country around," she told Reuters, according to the <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.  (Reuters)

The Hollywood A-lister told Wired magazine that he finds presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders "inspiring. "Not to get political, but listening to Bernie Sanders at that first presidential debate was pretty inspiring—to hear what he said about the environment. Who knows which candidate is going to become our next president, but we need to create a dialogue about it. I mean, when they asked each of the candidates what the most important issue facing our planet is, Bernie Sanders simply said climate change. To me that’s inspiring." During the 2008 elections, Dicaprio was spotted sporting an "Obama Change Tour '08" shirt and told press back in 2008 that he believes Obama embodies "dreams of America." (Reuters)

Following in the footsteps of his Republican character Dr. Frasier Crane, the actor campaigned for Sen. John McCain in 2008. The actor's wife recently shared a picture of the star wearing an anti-abortion T-shirt on Instagram. He also told Jay Leno his political leanings may have been behind his critically-acclaimed show "Boss" being snubbed for the 2012 Emmys. <a target="_blank" href="">More: Kelsey Grammer Speaks to Sister's Murderer for the First Time: 'I Forgive You'</a> (Instagram)

Garth Brooks says his heart goes out to President Obama. "I love him to death and I fully support him and I just wish him well because it's got to be hell in that office," Brooks told <a target="_blank" href="">CNS News</a>. While Garth supports Obama, he doesn't play party politics, he said. "I think we should vote for them because they're right or wrong and we kind of have seemed to have fallen into that trap so that would be the one warning I would give all us," he warned. "Put down where you're from and what flag you fly under and let's get to putting the best person, man or women in the office and let's start making some strides." (Reuters)

The Boss has been a longtime supporter of Democratic candidates, including President Obama. See who else the stars have voted for on election day, and who Honey Boo Boo <i>would</i> vote for, were she old enough, and could pronounce his name. (Reuters) (Reuters)

"Rocky" actor Sylvester Stallone announced his support for Republican John McCain in 2008 on "Fox &amp; Friends."  "I like McCain a lot, a lot," Stallone said. "Things may change along the way, but there’s something about matching the character with the script and right now, the script is being written and the reality is pretty brutal and pretty hard edged, a rough action film, and you need somebody who’s been in that to deal with it." (Reuters)

Back when George W. was president Joe Simpson told reporters that daughter Jess "loves the heck out of him." (Reuters)

Back in 2008, Damon compared a possible Sarah Palin presidency to “a really bad Disney movie.” He also joined’s contest for the public to create 30-second advertisements supporting Barack Obama. (Reuters) (Reuters)

When President Obama was up for reelection in 2011, Gwyneth made sure she helped him out by throwing a star-studded fundraiser on his behalf at her London home. (Reuters)

The funny actor reportedly made large contributions to Rudy Giuliani's presidential campaign in 2007. He's a registered Republican. (Reuters) (Reuters)

Troubled actress Lindsay Lohan went back and forth in 2012. First she told FOX 411 that Romney had her vote, stating "I think unemployment is very important for now, so as of now I think (my vote) is Mitt Romney."  Then, after the final debate the "Liz &amp; Dick" star tweeted she was proud of President Obama's performance. She then deleted the post, so we can only guess who she actually voted for (if she indeed voted). (Reuters) (Reuters)

KISS rocker Gene Simmons voted for Barack Obama in 2008, but changed his tune in 2012, endorsing Romney. Simmons explained to FOX 411's Pop Tarts column: "I like the president’s heart but I don’t think he has the qualification."  Simmons also said Obama's economic philosophy was a disaster. (Unlike Kiss' latest album, which is pretty good, by the way.) (Reuters) (Reuters)

Rapper Snoop Dogg, who has been going by the name Snoop Lion, voted for Obama in 2012. The "Drop It Like It's Hot" singer explained his choice on Instagram, posting a list of reasons why the president had earned his vote. The list consisted of reasons like "He mad cool yo," and "He BFFs with Jay-Z." (Reuters) (Reuters)

Samuel L. Jackson released a pro-Obama ad with the Jewish Council for Education and Research. The profanity-laced video, which mimicks a popular profanity-laced bedtime story, went viral. (Reuters) (Reuters)

The six-year-old star of  TLC's contribution to humanity, “Here Comes Honey Boo Boo,” Alana Thompson, was prodded by talk show host Jimmy Kimmel into making a presidential endorsement for 2012. While she cannot vote, she still offered her favorite: “Marack Obama.” (Reuters) (Reuters)

The star of family friendly "The Middle" came to Romney's defense after his second debate with Barack Obama, tweeintg: <a href=";src=hash" style=" orphans: 2; widows: 2; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px;">#CandyCrowley</a> keeps telling <a data-query-source="hashtag_click" href=";src=hash" style=" orphans: 2; widows: 2; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px;">#Romney</a> she'll give him a chance then moves on. Hmmm...” (Reuters) (Reuters)

“Clueless” star Stacey Dash tweeted her support for Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney. Her political viewpoint resulted in <a target="_blank" href="">ugly online abuse</a>.  “You’re an unemployed black woman endorsing Mitt Romney. You’re voting against yourself thrice. You poor beautiful idiot,” one Twitter user wrote. Not nice. (Reuters) (REUTERS)

Luke Skywalker was not a fan of Mitt Romney. He tweeted about the GOP presidential candidate following the first debate (which Romney won): "I've never seen a candidate for President lie more than Romney. He lies effortlessly, shamelessly. This snake oil salesman must be defeated!!!" Such vitriol! Has Hamill given in to the dark side? (Reuters) (Reuters)

Kid Rock supported President Obama in 2008, but in 2012 he changed his tune, <a target="_blank" href="">backing the GOP ticket</a> and said he's sorry Obama "didn't do a better job." (AP) (AP)

The former "That 70s Show" star was named <a target="_blank" href="">Esquire's sexiest woman in the world</a>. In the accompanying interview, she said she didn't find Republicans all that sexy. "The way that Republicans attack women is so offensive to me. And the way they talk about religion is offensive. I may not be a practicing Jew, but why we gotta talk about Jesus all the time? And it's baffling to me how a poor person in Georgia can say, 'I'm a Republican.' Why?" (Reuters)   (Reuters)

The host of "Dirty Jobs" and pitchman for Ford Motors was scheduled to introduce GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney at an Ohio campaign stop in 2012. (Discovery Channel)    

This sexy left-leaning star is ninth cousins with President Obama. So its no wonder, then! (Reuters) (Reuters)

Searcy, who starred in Brad Pitt's movie "Moneyball," also lent his talents to former GOP presidential candidate Herman Cain's surreal campaign video, "<a href="" target="_blank">He Carried Yellow Flowers</a>." (Youtube/TheHermainCain) (Youtube/TheHermainCain)

One of the more vocal Republican celebrities, Angie Harmon actually delivered a speech at the 2004 Republican National Convention.   The "Rizzoli &amp; Isles" star also supported John McCain in 2008 and even told that she would have been happy to see Sarah Palin run in 2012. “I think she's a woman who has her own set of values and morals and ethics and has the courage to live her life accordingly," she said. "I admire that.” (Reuters) (Reuters)

Academy Award-winning actress Natalie Portman has been a long-time pal of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.   “She's so much more polished and experienced than anyone else,” the "Black Swan" star told Elle magazine in 2008. (Reuters) (Reuters)

The Aerosmith guitarist, who has described himself as an "old-school Republican," guest starred on the Discovery series "Sons of Guns," and <a target="_blank" href="">told us about</a> his passionate support for the second amendment.  (Discovery)

The rapper once called President George W. Bush “gangsta” (he meant it in a <i>good</i> way), and told GQ that he would vote for the former president, were it not for 50's felony conviction.  "I wanna meet George Bush, just shake his hand and tell him how much of me I see in him," 50 told the magazine. (Reuters) (Reuters)

Model and actress Bo supported George H.W. Bush in 1988 and 1992, and campaigned for George W. Bush in 2000 and 2004, appearing at both Republican conventions. (Reuters) (Reuters)

The pro-wrestler turned actor, known as 'The Rock,' endorsed George W. Bush in his run for presidency and attended the 2000 Republican National Convention. (AP/Universal Pictures) (AP/Universal Pictures)

The famous singer, who campaigned for President Obama in 2008, rooted for Obama to get a second term.  "I think he's doing a great job. I think he's fantastic. I think he needs another term, he needs more time," Beyonce said. (Reuters) (Reuters)

The actor attended a Tea Party demonstration at the U.S. Capitol Building in 2009. (Reuters) (Reuters)

Pictured here with former Rep. Anthony Weiner, a big Barack Obama supporter, the “The Town” actor/director threw an extravagant fundraiser for the president in 2008. Probably not someone Ben would want to be seen with these days. (AP) (AP)

Although the actor says he's not a member of the Republican Party, he does agree with one essential aspect of the party.   “I'm a Republican only as far as I want a smaller government, I want less government intrusion,” Willis said. (Reuters) (Reuters)

Model and actress, Rachel Hunter is a registered Republican. And Rod Stewart's ex. (Reuters) (Reuters)

“I have a really interesting political point of view, and it’s not always something I say too loud at dinner tables here,” the star once said. “But you can’t go from a $2,000-a-night suite at La Mirage to a penitentiary, and really understand it, and come out a liberal.” (Reuters) (Reuters)

When it comes to making fun of the president, the comedian has nothing to say.   “Ooh, you’re young and virile and you’ve got a beautiful wife and kids. You’re the first African-American president.”You know, what do you say?” Rock said. (Reuters) (Reuters)

The actress, who once joked to the Associated Press that she was engaged to Barack Obama, was featured in the "Yes We Can" video, supporting the president in 2008.   "My heart belongs to Barack, and that is who I am currently, finally, engaged to," she told the station, skirting reports that she was engaged to now ex-husband Ryan Reynolds. Maybe she picked the wrong guy? (Reuters) (Reuters)

Self-proclaimed "Obama guy," Clooney told reporters at the Venice Film Festival in 2007 that Obama has an "aura of a rock star."  "He walks into the room, and he takes your breath away. I'd love him to be president, quite honestly," said Clooney. (Reuters) (Reuters)

While filming "Wedding Crashers" Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn got in the party crashing spirit and tried to crash a Young Republican party in D.C. Owen later told USA Today, "Vince actually is a Republican and they didn't believe him." (AP) (AP)

The "Black Eyed Peas" singer released two star-studded videos inspired by speeches Barack Obama delivered in the 2008 election.  The videos, "Yes We Can" and "We Are The Ones," both went viral and became big parts of Obama's youth campaign. (AP) (AP)

According to Courtney's Facebook page, the aspiring singer/model/actress is Republican. (E! Online) (E! Online)

The former "The View" co-host is a registered Republican and was quite vocal on the show about her political views. (Reuters) (Reuters)

The “Desperate Housewives” star was a big supporter of Hillary Clinton in the 2008 elections.   "Hillary has proven she has the strength and experience to deliver the change we need," the actress told the crowd at a Town Hall event in Austin before the Texas primary. Oops. (Reuters)   (Reuters)

It seems like Heidi and Lauren finally agree on one thing – they’re both Republican! During the 2008 presidential election, the reality star told US Weekly that she supported John McCain. “I’m voting for John McCain,” she told the magazine. “I’m a Republican and McCain has a lot of experience.” Not sure that's the kind of support he was looking for... For more pics of Heidi go to <a target="_blank" href=""></a> (

The Texas native performed at the 2005 presidential inauguration for George W. Bush and defended Jenna Bush after she came under fire for some risqué dance moves at a New York night club waaaay back in 2005. (Reuters) (Reuters)

Lady Gaga had her first "Marilyn Monroe moment" when she performed at the10th anniversary celebration of Clinton's foundation. She even changed the title of her hit song "Bad Romance" to "Bill Romance." (AP) (AP Photo)

The action star famously campaigned for Mike Huckabee (for president in 2008) and Ron Paul in 2012. (AP) (AP)

The young actress, best known for her role as Gretchen Wieners in "Mean Girls" and Claudia Salinger in "Party of Five," endorsed Republican presidential candidate John McCain in the 2008 election. (Paramount Pictures) (Paramount Pictures)

The "Friends" star donated $2,300 to President Obama's presidential campaign in 2008. (Reuters)

Politics wasn’t exactly a hot topic on "The Hills," but if anyone had bothered to ask the reality star what her political preference was they would have found out that she leans to the right.  While Conrad once told New York Magazine that she “believes in the private ballot,” the reality star is in fact a registered Republican. (AP) (AP)

The actor backed presidential hopeful Rudy Giuliani back in 2007 and was a guest at the 2008 Republican National Convention. (AP) (AP)

The gorgeous model supported President Obama during the 2008 election but has since switched gears. In May she helped raise $10 million in a telethon for Mitt Romney's campaign. (Reuters) (Reuters)

The actor turned director has been supporting Republicans for many years. His devotion dates back to Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan and most recently Mitt Romney, for whom he memorably spoke at the GOP National Convention. (Reuters) (Reuters)

Longtime Democrat and close friend of former President Bill Clinton, the singer is extremely vocal on her political views. At a Democratic fundraiser, the singer belted out, "Scattered pictures of the House we left behind," she sang. "Lovely Democratic memories, of the way we were." (Reuters) (Reuters)