“Modern Family” recently aired an episode about young Manny’s friend wanting to come over to play. It soon becomes apaprent that he's just there to ogle at Manny's hot mom, Gloria, played by Sofia Vergara.
Vergara’s real-life son, Manolo, doesn’t exactly say that happened to him. But how could it not have?
While showing a series of home movies and snapshots in a mother's day video, Manolo describes Vergara as a "typical" Latin mother.
PHOTOS: TV moms we wish we had!
“She’s very loud and very over-protective,” he says. (Kind of like the mom she plays on TV.)
In the video ode to Vergara, Manolo gushes, “Is my mother a good mother? Yes, she’s the best.”
“What I’m most proud about her is that she hasn’t changed,” says Manolo.
Vergara, who was married at 18 in Columbia, took her young son to the U.S. so that she could pursue modeling.
“She has her career and she still managed to raise me at the same time so that’s pretty great,” he said.
Vergara plays a TV mom on "Modern Family" that we'd love to have. Click for more TV moms -- from June Cleaver to Gloria Pritchet -- we'd love to have in real life.