Sheryl Crow leads push to shorten presidential campaign season

Singer-songwriter Sheryl Crow thinks this year's presidential campaign has lasted too long, and she's trying to do something about it.

A petition started by the "Soak Up The Sun" singer calls on the Democratic and Republican national committees to shorten the primary calendar to "drastically reduce the amount of time we are exposed to presidential campaigns."

"Two years of a campaign does not educate anyone any more than it would have if it had been six months," Crow told Fox News' Megyn Kelly on "The Kelly File" Wednesday night. "[This presidential race has] not been any more enlightening, it’s just benefited the media outlets and political consultants who work on elections and Super PACs and lobbyists and we have to get away from that."

The petition does not lay out a specific plan for a shortened election season, but notes that "countries across the globe have limited campaign seasons to as short as 6 weeks" and adds, "with an organized system, a successful, informative, professional campaign could be run."

Crow, 54, unfavorably compared the 2016 election to her first presidential vote in 1980, telling Kelly, "The nice thing about it was you didn’t have all of the social media and the bombardment of vitriolic dialogue that went on. You had Walter Cronkite, you had the debate and you had the newspapers. And then you voted."

The petition had garnered approximately 48,000 signatures as of Wednesday evening.