Sexy Self-Proclaimed Dorks

Harvard-educated beauty Natalie Portman does have nerd cred, so we will accept her playing the dork card in the new issue of 'Marie Claire.' "OK, so I didn't really go to any high school parties," Portman says. "And yeah, I didn't touch pot 'til I was in my 20s." We believe you, Nat. Some of these other starlets who dubiously claim geek status? Not so much. (REUTERS)

The '90210' hottie recently described herself as an “uber-dork,”pointing to her love for the movie 'Star Wars' as proof.  Newsflash, AnnaLynne, millions of people love that movie. It's actually pretty mainstream. Being a super sexy actress prevents you from being an awkward social outcast, no matter how many times you watch 'Clone Wars.' (REUTERS)

Sienna Miller claims both she and her ‘The Edge of Love’ costar Keira Knightley are boring bookworms. "I mean, we're quite nerdy," Miller said of the pair, who bonded during the movie's filming. "We talk about books and we play cards and do The Guardian crossword."  "We swap books," she elaborates. "...She's given me books and she's learning the flute at the moment, I'm learning the piano, quite nerdy." And what's on Sienna's reading list? "I'm still keen to read ‘Twilight,’ everyone's read it." A real intellectual, that one! (REUTERS)

Rosario may be legit; the actress often speaks of her love for comics, and she actually has a comic book line. And a sci-fi webisode series. “Trekkies are like one of my favorite things,” Rosario says, “'Star Trek' is one of my favorite things in the world.” (AP)

The A-lister has said she thought of herself as "the ugliest person alive on earth" as a youth. "I'd be teased about going off to the theater instead of the beach with everyone else." (REUTERS)

"It’s not unnatural for me to feel nerdy," says the sexpot. "I do goofy things all the time. I trip, I knock things over. The other day, I bashed myself in the head with a door." Alba has told a woeful tale of her school years: "My dad used to have to walk me into school so that I wasn't attacked. I'd eat my lunch in the nurses' office to avoid sitting with the others. I'd get beaten up and picked on for being different." Yeah, because really <i>attractive</i> people are the outsiders in our society that worships ugliness. Oh wait, reverse that. (REUTERS)

Jennifer Garner tells ‘Glamour’ she’s a “huge dork.”  "Trust me, I can be awkward," says the actress. "I tend to make big gestures. Ben and I went to a Red Sox game, and when the mascot came up to us, I hugged it. The pictures showed up everywhere. Ben and I were both like, 'Ooh, too big of a gesture.'" (REUTERS)

Teen star Demi Lovato was so badly bullied at school, her parents took her out to be home schooled. The 16-year-old says she endured teasing, and chalks it up to the fact that she was working as an actress. She tells Ellen DeGeneres, "I never really understood why (I was being bullied) until looking back, I had a different lifestyle than everyone else." (AP)

In high school, Amy says she was "the dork who sang 'The Little Mermaid' in the hall." Aww, we can see that. (REUTERS)

Megan Fox says that she was picked on at school and sometimes ate lunch hidden in a bathroom stall to avoid being "pelted with ketchup packets." "Everyone hated me, and I was a total outcast," she told 'CosmoGirl.' "I have a very aggressive personality, and girls didn't like me for that." And these days? “I’m a 'Star Trek' fan. I’m a big nerd. I’m a big, giant comic book nerd.”  Somehow we doubt that. (REUTERS)

The gorgeous, talented, blonde teenager claims unpopularity! "It was basically a shunning –- and that’s never a good thing, you know?" Swift tells 'Women's Health.' "A lot of girls thought I was weird. Actually, the word they liked to use was annoying. I'd sit at their lunch table and they'd move to a different one." (REUTERS)