
Selena Gomez is in hot water over her new bindi-wearing fashion trend.

Gomez has drawn criticism from the Universal Society of Hinduism, which claims her fashion attire is sacrilegious, according to a report in the World Entertainment News Network.

"The bindi on the forehead is an ancient tradition in Hinduism and has religious significance," Hindu statesman Rajan Zed said in an interview with WENN.

He said the bindi is an “auspicious religious and spiritual symbol.”

“It is not meant to be thrown around loosely for seductive effects or as a fashion accessory aiming at mercantile greed,” Zed said. “Selena should apologize and then she should get acquainted with the basics of world religions."

Gomez, 20, showed off her bindi and Indian-inspired dance routine and ensemble last weekend during the MTV Movie Awards, where she performed (and bombed) her latest single, “Come and Get It.”

She then took to performing the same song, bindi and all, during the taping of “Dancing With the Stars” Tuesday night.

Other performers, including Gwen Stefani, Julia Roberts and Katy Perry, have also sported bindis in the name of fashion.

As Fox News Latino reported on Monday, SelGo’s elaborate performance was highly criticized on social media with fans and 'beliebers' alike, deeming the over-the-top show a flop.

The former Disney starlet sang her heart out but it appeared that there were technical difficulties with the sound, since Gomez’s vocals sounded off key.

Twitter users were not sympathetic.

“Watching Selena Gomez sing at the MTV Movie Awards was like using rubbing alcohol as eyewash. Stick to being a Wizard at Waverly Place...” wrote Andra Fuller.

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