Seattle karaoke host sings Garth Brooks' 'Friends in Low Places' for 36 hours straight to raise breast cancer awareness

A Seattle karaoke host sang country star Garth Brooks' hit "Friends in Low Places" for 36 hours straight as part of an annual breast cancer awareness fundraiser. Brooks is pictured here in 2011.  (Reuters)

A Seattle karaoke host just sang his heart out for a good cause.

According to Q13 FOX News, Cliff Satterwhite performed country star Garth Brooks' hit "Friends in Low Places" for 36 hours straight as part of an annual breast cancer awareness fundraiser.

Per the outlet, Satterwhite, who is a member of the REAL Men Wear Pink campaign and whose sister is a breast cancer survivor, started singing on Tuesday at midnight and finished on Wednesday at 12 p.m.

“My attempt will feature one singer, one song, no sleep breaks and only a two-to-five-minute break between songs for water, food and bathroom; that’s really what sets it apart," Satterwhite told Q13 FOX News of his mission before he began.

He continued: "The last three years have taught me so much in terms of preparation, pace and when and what to eat. I’ve learned those are all key factors in the success of this event.”

Satterwhite's goal was to raise $10,000. The proceeds from the fundraiser will go to the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Foundation, which is part of the American Cancer Society.

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