Savannah Guthrie takes over for Ann Curry; Matt Lauer looks overjoyed

It’s a new day at “Today” and Matt Lauer looked a little too happy to be rid of former co-host Ann Curry.

A beaming Lauer formally introduced Savannah Guthrie as Curry’s replacement at the stroke of 7 a.m. today, The Post reports.

“And good morning, welcome to 'Today' on a Monday morning and it truly is a new day around here,” the veteran morning anchor said.


“I’m Matt Lauer and I’m pleased to be sharing this new day with Savannah Guthrie who after several years of playing a great role on this program takes a step forward this morning and joins us as co-anchor of `Today.’ How’s it feel? “

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The pretty new co-host Guthrie chirped: “Great good morning it’s an honor to be here.”

The smiling faces belied the backstage drama that’s plagued 30 Rock this summer.

NBC suits brutally dumped Curry, making her the scapegoat for declining ratings.

Lauer, who reportedly wanted Curry out, was practically spiking the football this morning in welcoming his new anchor-desk partner.

“Well it’s nice to be here because I get to be the first to officially say welcome to `Today’. We are thrilled to have you,” Lauer said.

Go to The Post for more on Guthrie's first day.