Sarah Silverman blames Trump for 'epidemic of domestic terrorism' in new monologue

Sarah Silverman pulled no punches in a monologue for her show “I Love You America” in which she blamed President Trump for his response to the migrant caravan and the “current epidemic of domestic terrorism.”

The star opened her monologue discussing the migrant caravan that’s currently on its way to the United States’ southern border. Trump has repeatedly made allegations that the caravan could contain violent gang members who mean to harm Americans if they get past the border. As a result, he’s sending U.S. troops to stop the caravan, something Silverman denounced as a scare tactic designed to drum up support for his base around the midterm elections.

“Sending troops to the border or floating the idea of overturning birthright citizenship, these are just attempts to motivate his base right before midterms,” she said. “We know it’s a ploy because the caravans aren’t even arriving until, at the earliest, December.”

The comedian went on to say that she believes Trump only knows how to use fear to motivate those who support him. As a result, she alleges that Trump is inciting violence by coming up with fake enemies so that people will vote his way, noting the recent trio of attacks from the past week such as the pipe bomber that targeted several Democratic politicians and media personalities as well as shootings in Kentucky and Pittsburgh.

Sarah issued a monologue on her show 'I Love You America' deriding Donald Trump for the 'current epidemic of domestic terrorism.'   (Reuters)

“He starts fake fights that he doesn’t have to finish because he knows in one way or another someone will finish them for him. And that is his starring role in our current epidemic of domestic terrorism,” she says in the NSFW video below. “It’s how we end up with 14 bombs to 14 people he has publicly targeted over and over again. A racist shooting in Kentucky, an anti-Semitic massacre in Pittsburgh, all in less than a week of announcing that he is a nationalist.”

The star ended her monologue by calling on her audience to vote on Nov. 6.

“So next week, you know, think about voting. We’ve got to vote leaders into power that will see through the fear-mongering and the fake panic. Because if it’s not immigrants, it’ll be the media, and if it’s not the media, it’ll be some other made up enemy, or, the classic fall back, Jews.”

This isn't the first time that Silverman has set her sights on right-leaning America. Previously she blasted the American health care system as being run by greed mongers only interested in more wealth.

“Every other First World country takes care of their people. It’s a right, not some privilege for an elite few, and I think money and greed is an addiction. And the people who are the most influential people in our country are sick. They can’t get enough money.”

Prior to that, she spoke with Vice about how she feels patriotism has been "perverted" by those painting liberals with a broad brush.

“The right has perverted the meaning of being liberal, or being feminist. Even ‘social justice warrior’ is an insult. We pervert language so much. Patriotism has always been a bit owned by the right,” Silverman said.

You can watch Silverman’s monologue from her Hulu show below.

[WARNING: The below video contains some graphic language.]

Fox News' Julius Young contributed to this report.

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