
There are a lot of reasons to practice good customer service, not the least of which is the fact that the customer you upset could be a big celebrity with a massive social media following. This was the case for “Modern Family” actress Sarah Hyland, who recently took issue with the way she was treated by her local CVS pharmacy.

Hyland, who received a kidney transplant in 2012, takes her medication very seriously. In a tweet on Monday, she went off on CVS saying that they hadn’t kept her properly updated on the status of her prescription, which resulted in her not getting her meds.

“Hey @cvspharmacy when you tell a kidney transplant recipient that her medication will be ready before you close and that you will notify her when it’s ready to be picked up. F---ING DO IT BEFORE YOU CLOSE. PEOPLE LIKE ME CANT AFFORD TO GO WITHOUT MEDICATION.”

Hours later, she followed up by sharing a screen cap of the pharmacy’s hours saying, “Also @cvspharmacy maybe put the CORRECT time you close on the internet. Just a suggestion from a long time customer who needs medication for the rest of her life.”

To its credit, the official CVS Pharmacy Twitter sprang into action the following morning asking her to message them offline so they could investigate and resolve her issue.

“Your health is so important to us, Sarah & we understand how upsetting this experience must have been,” it said. “We’d like to follow up w/ you offline to learn more & do whatever we can to improve your experience in the future. Can you pls DM us at your earliest convenience?”

However, Hyland questioned whether the response was an automated one sent to anyone who complains. The account assured her this was a personal matter, On Tuesday evening, once the situation was reportedly resolved, she posted a video explaining herself and the situation following some backlash from fans.

“This medication that I needed last night was an antibiotic and I needed that antibiotic last night because I wasn’t able to see the doctor until yesterday, Monday, because it was the weekend,” she explained. “I needed tests done to see if I had an infection or not, I did, and they called it in. So I’d already been about two and a half days with infection.”

The star went on to explain that if left unchecked for much longer, she was at risk of her new kidney going into rejection, forcing her into dialysis and restarting her search for a new kidney. The star was upset that some fans told her she was irresponsible for not being on top of her medical needs, which is what prompted the explainer video in the first place.

“I’m not a person to be that dumb and that irresponsible when my life depends on prescription drugs.” she says in the video below. “So, for all of you saying that, I would kindly like to tell you to go f--- off.”