
Samantha Busch, her racing star husband Kyle, and their 4-year-old son, Brexton, are on the road for 13 weeks out of the year.

"It's super busy all the time," Samantha told Fox News before the Daytona 500 race on Sunday. Kyle is currently in 32nd place after the race was halted because of rainy weather conditions. It's due to resume later on Monday.

The couple has been married for 10 years and doesn't let their non-traditional lifestyle stop them from spending quality time together as a family.


The 33-year-old – who is working with Walmart Family Mobile – opened up about how she balances life on the road, grapples with the dangers of her husband's profession, and why she speaks candidly about her infertility issues.

Fox News: Is it getting easier to balance being on the road for weeks at a time?

Busch: It is a very chaotic schedule. This is my 11th year on the road now. So it's kind of coming pretty natural at this point. And we brought our son on the road when he was just 10 days old, so we've kind of learned how to balance everything that we do. I homeschool Brexton because family time is important.

Fox News: Is it hard to mix sports and family?

Busch: We have a very strong relationship. And so even if something doesn't go the way that they love on the racetrack [for brothers Kyle and Kurt Busch] on Sunday, well, you know what? On Monday we're still keeping our family dinner plans [Kurt is married to Ashley Busch].

It's nice that if you're in a pinch or you forget something or whatever it might be, you literally have family that is 20 feet away from you on the next bus.


Fox News: You share your life with fans on social media. Why are you so open?

Busch: A big reason that we share things so publicly is that our foundation [The Bundle of Joy Fund] supports other couples that have infertility struggles. Our son was born through IVF and our foundation now currently pays for couples in the Charlotte area to go through IVF because most insurances don't cover it and it's upwards of $20,000 for one round.

With the wonderful NASCAR platform, I feel like it's given me a big voice to reach out to other women that find themselves alone or isolated during this journey. To be able to use social media in order to connect with these women and help them through those hard times like I went through – it's been wonderful.

Samantha Busch hosted the Walmart Family Mobile Tailgate ahead of the Daytona 500 on Saturday, Feb. 15. In Daytona Beach, FL.

Samantha Busch hosted the Walmart Family Mobile Tailgate ahead of the Daytona 500 on Saturday, Feb. 15. In Daytona Beach, FL. (Hinson Photography)

Fox News: How do you grapple with the dangerous aspects of the sport?

Busch: Yeah, it's definitely hard. You know, we say a prayer before the race. And I give Kyle a kiss. After I do that, there's not much you can do. You see the racetracks have safety barriers everywhere. The technology has come so far with the safety equipment.

But, you know, at the end of the day, in racing, they're going 200 miles an hour inches from each other. And that's scary. But you try not to focus on that aspect because it's what Kyle loves to do. And I would never, ever want to be the one instilling fear in somebody. So I'm always positive and always, always, always say a prayer for safety.

Fox News: What aspect of racing do you think people should know more about?

Busch: I think that when people come to an actual race, they're hooked. When you're here at the track and you see the community and all the fans tailgating and you get access to the drivers to get autographs and photos. I think that really solidifies our sport for people.


Fox News: What are some plans you have for 2020?

Busch: I'm currently writing a book about infertility, which will be released in spring 2021. We are hoping to add a sibling for Brexton. Also, grow my boutique's online presence.