In 1993, Rush Limbaugh’s book on family values, religion and individualism, “See I Told You So” made the New York Times best seller list. Now 20 years later, Limbaugh is back in the business, only this time he has something for the kids.
During the opening of his radio program on Thursday, the conservative media personality announced he is releasing a children’s book entitled “Rush Revere and the Brave Pilgrims: Time-Travel Adventures with Exceptional American,” which details his version of the Thanksgiving story, a story he typically shares with his listeners prior to the holiday.
Limbaugh, 62, said his wife was to thank for the creative nudge.
“My wife Kathryn came up with an idea that literally lit a fire under me. She said, ‘You know you’re always talking about how history is being mistaught. You’re right. You’re always talking about what kids are learning these days, and they’re not learning about the greatness of America,” he said Thursday. “They’re not learning about the founding days. They’re not learning the right things about the great people, the exceptional people in this country.’ She said, ‘Why don’t you write a book for kids?’”
The illustrated history book, which is already listed for pre-sale on Amazon and will be available in October, stars “Rush Revere,” the Limbaugh-like cartoon character from his beverage line Two if by Tea, and may be developed into a larger series.