Roger Moore: I'm the fourth best James Bond

ROGER MOORE - One Lucky Bastard - book cover - HANDOUT

In “One Lucky Bastard” Roger Moore charmingly recalls his years in Hollywood and friendships with pals like Frank Sinatra, Gregory Peck and Tony Curtis. It’s a charming collection from the famed raconteur who achieved worldwide success as James Bond. The 87-year-old actor spoke to FOX411 and, unsurprisingly, was as charming as ever.

FOX411: So do you consider yourself a ‘lucky bastard?’

Roger Moore: Exceedingly. When I started 70 odd years ago I was told that to be a success you’ve got to have talent, personality and luck. I’ve had 99.9 percent luck and the other miniscule percentage would be having had the luck to have a little bit of talent, being able to stand upright and that’s it. It’s all luck.

It’s no good being the best actor in the world if nobody sees you because you didn’t happen to be there at the right day when a part was being cast.

FOX411: You’re 87 and in good health.

Moore: That’s one of the things I consider myself lucky about. I’m still around. Having overcome various illnesses I feel absolutely fine. I have a very good set of doctors and a wonderful nurse – my wife.

FOX411: Does she pamper you?

Moore: Yes terribly but I figure I deserve it in my dotage and it’s rather nice.

FOX411: Any favorite stories in your book?

Moore: They are all my favorites because they’re all friends. Some of the stories I wasn’t there, I’d been told, hopefully they’re correct. If they’re not I’m willing to stand corrected, but I’ve enjoyed them.

FOX411: You were pals with Frank Sinatra.

Moore: There was a lot of jealousy about Frank. He told me, 100 times you have your picture taken backstage, you don’t know who the hell they are. You smile, you have a picture taken and it looks like you’re all jolly good pals but you have no idea who they are.

FOX411: You work a lot with UNICEF.

Moore: Back in 1990 Audrey Hepburn asked me if I would come and co-host the Danny Kaye International Children’s Awards which was a UNICEF program. In between the talent performances there would be UNICEF appeals and a lot of them were with Audrey. I didn’t realize it at the time but I was being recruited. She was seeing how far I was willing to go. I think that once I saw the faces and heard the statistics from around the world in developing countries, living in awful shacks without drinking water and you see those conditions people are living in and you can do something about it, well we had to.

FOX411: How do you think Daniel Craig is doing as Bond?

Moore: I believe he’s an excellent Bond. He’s much stronger than I am. I think he does a hell of a good job of it. He and Sean (Connery) are I think undoubtedly the best Bonds.

FOX411: Where do you rank yourself?

Moore: I think a little bit behind George Lazenby I suppose.

FOX411: That’s a bit harsh.

Moore: Well thank you.

FOX411: It’s the greatest job right?

Moore: Well it’s hard work but somebody has to do it and I did it.

FOX411: You always had a wonderful twinkle in your eye.

Moore: I think maybe it was the eye drops.

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