
Robin Tunney has starred in some of the most iconic films from the ‘90s, but these days she’s opening a creepy motel alongside Nicolas Cage just for a good thrill.


The duo stars as a married couple in “Looking Glass,” a voyeuristic film where they are faced with disturbing, unexplained events occurring inside of what should be a desert oasis. Tunney, who captivated teens in cult classics like “Empire Records” and The Craft,” said she’s been waiting for years to work alongside Cage — and it was worth it.

Fox News spoke with Tunney about what surprised her the most about Cage, her favorite memory with Arnold Schwarzenegger and whether she stays in touch with her former castmates from “The Craft.”

Fox News: What drew you to role of Maggie?
Robin Tunney: I just really wanted to be in a Nicolas Cage movie (laughs). I think he’s just one of the greatest living actors… Some of his works were just the greatest films that I’ve ever saw growing up. I just wanted to work with him.

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Nicolas Cage as Ray in the thriller film "Looking Glass." (Photo courtesy of Momentum Pictures)

I just had a baby and it was a friendly environment to walk into and I’m really glad I did it. Nicolas is so talented… He’s just been around and has done so many wonderful things. And I truly believe he’s great in this film.

Fox News: What surprised you the most about Nicolas Cage?
Tunney: We never waited for him once. Usually when you work with a movie star, they tend to be really busy and you end up waiting for them a lot. They’re either on their phone or there’s so many people around them. But he didn’t come with any of that. He didn’t even have an assistant.

He was just really humble and told stories about himself. And usually when you work with a movie star, you get this feeling that you’ll never know them. I guess some of these famous people are afraid to be known. But he’s somebody who has no problems talking honestly about himself and his life (laughs). That was pretty amazing.

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Robin Tunney as Maggie in the thriller film "Looking Glass." (Photo courtesy of Momentum Pictures)

Fox News: You also previously worked with Arnold Schwarzenegger in “End of Days.” What’s your favorite memory from that time?
Tunney: There were many. He was incredibly generous and he had this big personality that just felt larger than life. He didn’t make me nervous the way Nic did… Arnold was very playful, but at the same time there’s a flipside to him that’s a very serious businessman. Like, Arnold is there to play dress up and have a good time. He’s aware of the world of make believe, but at the same time, he’s very sharp.

He was always cracking jokes. But then when it was time to film, he was completely serious and always ready. I wasn’t surprised at all that he went into politics. He was very nice to me… But I’ve also been very lucky. I worked with Michael Douglas and he was the same. I worked with Ben Affleck and he was just as wonderful… For whatever reason, I must have done something right because the people I’ve worked with have just been really good to me.

Fox News: Many fans still remember you from “The Craft.” Do you stay in touch with your former cast mates?
Tunney: Neve (Campbell), I absolutely keep in touch with. I just got a text from her the other day. I’m so happy for her. Things are going really well for her. She’s in a new movie with The Rock. She’s got a beautiful son. I’m so happy to see her back in the mainstream again because she’s really talented.

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Robin Tunney filming "Looking Glass." (Photo courtesy of Momentum Pictures)

I’ve seen Rachel True at events or whenever a friend has a birthday party, different things. I don’t get to talk to her on the phone that much, but she seems really happy. As for Fairuza (Balk), I have not heard from her, but I wish her all the best.

Fox News: Are you surprised people still talk about “The Craft”?
Tunney: It’s so funny. I can go into a café and the waitress will be 20 and they’ll know the movie. It’s an odd thing… “The Craft” is still something people talk about… Movies really stick with people for whatever reason. [But] I’ve had success with so many other things.

I don’t feel it’s completely my identity. And also, “Empire Records” is another film people still talk about. I really don’t have any hang-ups about it. I’m always thankful. It’s crazy to think people are still watching those films and that they’ve managed to stand the test of time like that.

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The cast of the action film " Vertical Limit" pose at the film's premiere December 3, 2000 in Los Angeles. Cast (L-R) are Scott Glen, Izabella Scorupco, Chris O'Donnell, Robin Tunney, and Bill Paxton. O'Donnell stars as a climber who must rescue his sister on top of K2, one of the world's biggest mountains. (Reuters)

Fox News: Speaking of “Empire Records,” you went bald for the role. Were you ever worried you wouldn’t get cast in other films afterward?
Tunney: No, not at all. It never even occurred to me. Not even for a second.

Fox News: How do you cope with public scrutiny and online comments?
Tunney: I guess you don’t read them. I have friends who’ll get sad or whatever and I’ll go, “Did you Google yourself?” Nothing good is going to come from that. I really try not to read the comments. And I don’t know how young people even deal with it. You know, when I was in my 20s, there was no Instagram, Twitter or just a way where people had such access to you. You’re a little bit more fragile in your identity and maybe, if I was younger, I probably would have looked.

But it’s something I definitely think about when it comes to younger actors. I think it’s a lot to contend with and there’s just so much focus on image and social media. They do get bullied and they can’t help, but read it because they don’t really know who they are yet. I’m sure I can go online and find a million things, like I’m a bad actor. I’m not beautiful — any of that stuff. But I’m at a point in my life that I know I’m a good mom and I know I’m a good daughter.

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Producer Bill Gerber (R) chats with cast members (L-R) Ryan Reynolds, Robin Tunney and Michael Douglas as they arrive at the premiere of their film "The In-Laws" in Hollywood, May 19, 2003. (Reuters)

And I know I’m a good actor. I’ve lasted long enough that those things can’t hurt you like they could have when you’re 20-25 or even 30. I think any actor who ultimately tells you they don’t care what other people think of them – they’re probably not telling the truth… I think all of us have this feeling of wanting to be liked and appreciated and respected.

"Looking Glass" premieres Friday in theaters, VOD and Digital HD.