
This week Ring of Honor will be celebrating their 15th Anniversary Live in Las Vegas on Pay-Per-View. Fox News spoke with one of their superstars, Christopher Daniels, before his upcoming world championship title shot against Adam Cole.

Fox News: How would you define Ring of Honor?
Christopher Daniels: Every day, every time our show runs we call it the best wrestling on the planet, and that's a weighty title to hold. And it's up to every one of us on the roster to sort of continue to prove to the world that Ring of Honor is the best wrestling on the planet.

Fox News: How would you define Christopher Daniels the wrestler?
Daniels: Christopher Daniels, the wrestler when he first started out, was a fiery baby face...trying to take over the world of professional wrestling but now the last couple of years Christopher Daniels realizes that he's not the “Fallen Angel" anymore, he realizes that he is a "Ring General" and he uses his 24 years of experience to out think every competitor he wrestles against. None of them are smarter than Christopher Daniels.

Once you've established yourself as someone that people want to see, you have to continuously innovate and reinvent yourself… as someone that has that respect I still have to find ways to draw their attention to me when the time is right.

Fox News: You have wrestled for 24 years, traveling all over the world. What are your hobbies outside of wrestling to escape the everyday grind?
Daniels: I just recently became a stunt man… In addition to that I’m also an avid comic book collector. I've been collecting comic books since 7th grade, which was a long time ago believe it or not.

Fox News: You teamed up with Aw Yeah Comics, founded by Franco Aureliani, Art Baltazar, and Marc Hammond, to create comics. How did you get into writing comics?
Daniels: I've always dreamt of writing comic books but the truth is I never really had an idea that inspired me enough until I met Art and Franco.

They're (Aw Yeah Comics) basically the Pixar of all-ages comics. So once I met them, I was inspired to write a story about [wrestler Frankie Kazarian] and myself traveling to the Aw Yeah Comics Universe. So I called Art and Franco up and asked them if they were interested and to my eternal gratitude and surprise they were 100 percent in and they've gone full force since then."

Fox News: Any advice to anyone who has a day job and who might be afraid to follow their dreams or take their hobby a step further?
Daniels: In terms of guys wanting to take their hobbies to the next level it's just a matter of commitment, you have to decide to go all in on whatever endeavor you decide to pursue.

Fox News: What are your thoughts on being in the Ring of Honor championship match against Adam Cole on March 10th?
Daniels: It's a very heavy weight knowing that I could possibly be the Ring of Honor World Champion. Going into this match against Adam Cole, he's younger, he's faster, the experience edge is what I bring into it and that's what I have to sort of rely on. It doesn't end when the bell rings, it's a continuous process of being a world champion.

Catch Christopher Daniels and all of the “Ring of Honor” superstars on Friday March 10th Live from Las Vegas. Click here more information on ROH and Aw Yeah Comics.