'Rick and Morty' co-creator Dan Harmon called out by former 'Community' writer over alleged misconduct

'Community' creator and 'Rick and Morty' co-creator Dan Harmon, pictured here at the 2014 New York Comic Con, recently got into a Twitter spat with a former writer over his alleged misconduct. (Splash News)

“Community” creator and “Rick and Morty” co-creator Dan Harmon got into a heated exchange on social media in which a writer that used to work for him seemed to accuse him of some type of misconduct.

Megan Ganz is a comedy writer whose work includes “Modern Family,” “It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia," "The Last Man On Earth" and “Community.” She worked on Harmon’s "Community" btu does not have fond memories of her time working for Harmon.

She vaguely aired her grievances on Twitter in response to a New Year’s tweet Harmon posted.

“This was truly the Year of the A--hole. Myself included," he wrote on Dec. 31, 2017. "We don’t have to make 2018 the Year of the Mensch but I hope it can be the Year of the Not as Much of an A--hole. #RealisticGoals."

An error occurred while retrieving the Instagram post. It might have been deleted.

Days later, Ganz opened the door to discussion replying, “Care to be more specific? Redemption follows allocution.”

Harmon seemed to know exactly what issue Ganz had with him, noting that he’d previously talked on his podcast, “Harmontown,” about what he could be guilty of in light of so many in Hollywood being revealed as predators by the “#MeToo” movement. While Harmon told listeners he doesn’t believe he’s guilty of sexual misconduct, he admitted that he’d been less-than-kind to the female writers who worked for him.

“I didn’t want to add narcissism to injury by naming you without permission, but I’ve talked on my podcast about the lines I crossed,” he wrote in response. “I will talk about it more in any way that you think is just. I am deeply sorry.”

In a follow up to that tweet an hour later, Harmon continued to acknowledge his wrongdoing, without giving any real specifics as to what happened with Ganz.

“I’m filled with regret and a lot of foggy memories about abusing my position, treating you like garbage. I would feel a lot of relief if you told me there was a way to fix it. I’ll let you call the shots. Til then, at least know I know I was an awful boss and a selfish baby.”

Ganz didn’t hold back with her response.

“I wish my memories were foggier. I wish there was a way to fix it. It took me years to believe in my talents again, to trust a boss when he complimented me and not cringe when he asked for my number. I was afraid to be enthusiastic, knowing it might be turned against me later,” she wrote. “You want relief? So do I. I want to watch the first episode of television I wrote again without remembering what came after. Figure out how to give me that relief and I’ll return the favor.”

An error occurred while retrieving the Instagram post. It might have been deleted.

Harmon responded saying that he was “disgusted and sorry” calling himself “selfish” and “childish" in his past treatment of her. He added that he put up a wall between himself and his co-workers specifically because of how he treated her in the past. She, however, didn't agree with that decision and slammed Vice President Mike Pence in the process.

“I haven’t listened to your podcast, but I don’t think walls are the answer. Unless you put them up with male coworkers, too. Otherwise you’re falling into the Mike Pence School of Gender Relations that says men can’t be trusted with women’s phone numbers.”

Based on the tweets, it’s unclear what the specific incident between Harmon and Ganz stems from. However, it seems clear that the issue between them is ongoing. In the end, she gave Harmon some advice for the future.

"It's good to recognize power dynamics, but it's also good to recognize you're no different from those you employ. You're not a king on a hilltop, nor a beast in a labyrinth. Isolation isn't always best. Connection breeds empathy. Empathy allows growth."

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